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He followed me sheepishly to the car, climbing into the backseat beside me. I sat between him and Felix, clipping in my seatbelt in a huff. Daxx was fine with giving him a lift, considering we lived on the same road and everything.

"So you play football with Andy, Jimmy?" Felix asked devilishly, ignoring my glare, "I bet you really enjoyed the camping trip."

"Uh, yeah. It was fun." Jimmy answered awkwardly, looking from me to Felix.

"I bet. What was your favourite part?" Felix asked, clearly knowing what had gone down.

"Andy and I won an obstacle course. That was pretty fun, I guess." He couldn't sound more uncomfortable if he tried.

"I bet it was. I've also won many obstacle courses in my days- at college you tend to win a lot of them." Felix shrugged, smirking.

I choked on my spit, turning bright red- Jimmy coughed awkwardly, realising what Felix was hinting at. Luckily, Daxx and Connor didn't seem any the wiser to the elaborated metaphor Felix had conjured about male sex and obstacle courses. I wasn't sure whether the bus of homophobes was better or worse than this situation.

"I never did any obstacle courses at college." Daxx frowned, "Sounds like I missed out."

All three of us laughed at that, despite the awkwardness. Connor and Daxx were so clueless.

"Too busy with Connor." Felix waggled his eyebrows, making us all laugh again.

The two adults in the front seats were still beyond confused at our fun.

"So, are you staying over at Andy's tonight Felix?" Jimmy asked, making me turn to look at him with a confused expression. Why did he care?

"Unfortunately, no. I have a lecture first thing tomorrow." Felix sighed, "The downside to college life."

Jimmy nodded and I sent him a curious look, which he ignored. We pulled up outside of Jimmy's house and he climbed out, thanking Daxx and Connor for the lift. As we pulled away, Daxx tutted.

"I feel bad for the kid. Must be hard, your parents divorcing while you're trying to come out of the closet." Connor shook his head, making me look at him with wide eyes.

"Honey! Patient confidentiality!" Daxx exclaimed, absolutely mortified.

"What? You told me, I thought I was allowed to say!" Connor exclaimed, shock painted on his face.

"No! I tell you things that I'm not supposed to tell you, because I love you and like to share things with you." Daxx groaned, pulling into our driveway, "You have to promise not to say anything, Andy. I could lose my job over this."

"I promise." I nodded, my heart pounding.

I felt bad. I hadn't realised Jimmy was going through so much at home. I thought his parents were just distant, not separating. The other part of that was equally as shocking. Jimmy was trying to come out? I thought he was deep, deep into the closet. Like deeper than Narnia- a whole new, deeper level of closet-ness.

We all climbed out of the car and Felix basically dragged me upstairs. He rushed us into my room and closed the door, turning to look at me with wild eyes. I sighed and kicked off my shoes, collapsing onto my bed. It felt so good compared to the wooden floor of the cabin.

"You have to tell me everything. Right now." Felix demanded, jumping on me.

I groaned, rolling over and away from him. I didn't know where to start. I was still pretty confused about the whole situation myself. Now Connor had thrown the fact Jimmy was trying to come out of the closet into the mix, confusing me further.

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