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Jimmy followed behind me as I headed to the kitchen. My stomach was still flipping, nervous about what people would think. I know Felix wouldn't believe we had agreed to just be friends. I also felt bad for leaving Oli alone for so long.

As I entered the kitchen, I didn't spot my friends. The whole room was covered in cans and bottles of alcohol, people crowding around every surface. I'm pretty sure every college student in the city was in my house right now.

"Andy?" A voice yelled from the dining table, making me breath a sign of relief.

I walked over there, seeing the whole group sitting and playing some kind of drinking game. They all raised their eyebrows, seeing me walk over while holding hands with Jimmy. Obviously not all of them knew who he was, so there was a mixed bag of reactions. Mia, Mike and Saint all looked amused, figuring I had been hooking up with a guy this whole time. Felix looked shocked and Oli looked hurt. I avoided looking at him.

"And here Oliver was worrying about you." Saint barked a laugh, teasing me, "Little did he know, you were upstairs with a guyyy."

"Hi, I'm Jimmy." Jimmy introduced himself to the group, giving a little wave.

"We're just friends, Saint." I warned.

"Okay, but he needs to know that I'm keeping my space as best friend number two. Guess he has to be number six." Saint shrugged, patting a seat for me to sit down at.

I laughed, sitting down with them. Jimmy took a seat next to me, shooting me a curious look.

"Everyone's ranked as my friend in the order that I met them." I explained, "Obviously Felix is number one, then it's Saint since we chatted at the bar. It would be Mike next, but we didn't speak- he was too busy sucking Felix's face. Then I met Oli, finally spoke to Mike and then Mia."

"I knew you before all of these people, though." Jimmy pointed out, a smile playing on his lips, "Shouldn't I be your number one?"

"You're lucky you even rank." Felix shook his head, poking Jimmy, "Watch yourself. I may be rooting for you, but not right now. You have to prove yourself as good enough for my Andy Pandy."

"Sorry, he's drunk." Mike apologised to Jimmy, holding Felix upright.

"I thought you were trying to get over him." Oli deadpanned, his emotions guarded, "This doesn't look like getting over him."

I blushed, my heart banging. Did he really just announce that to the group? I felt rather embarrassed and awkward, not really sure what to say. The whole group went quiet, looking between Jimmy, Oli and I. Well, this sucked. I had both Jimmy and Oli glaring at each other and I gulped.

"Oli, can I talk to you a second?" I asked, standing up and leading him away, "What the fuck was that?"

"I should be asking you that! I thought you said that Jimmy was a dick and treated you like shit? You can't let yourself be messed around by him." Oli huffed, his face slightly red with anger.

"We've decided to just be friends- he needs a friend. Coming out is hard." I defended Jimmy, also getting a little mad, "I told you I wasn't interested in you and that I needed time. You need to respect that, Oli!"

Oli sighed, running his hand over his face. I stayed stood with my arms crossed- I wasn't going to let this slide. That was just downright rude, to expose our personal conversations in front of the whole damn group.

"I'm sorry, Andy. I shouldn't have done that in front of everyone. I mean what I said though."

"It's fine, I know you're just worried about me. Just talk to me in private about it next time."

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