a film by james&lina

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A boy and a girl sit outside, there's fresh snow around them, and they're both red from the cold. The girl is fixing her scarf, yellow and black matching the barrettes in her hair. She's got short brown hair that's covered in snowflakes and she's trying to shake them off but it's pointless. The boy is glancing at her with a smile, his own scarf is red and gold but he doesn't have barrettes to match it, his own dark hair is turning white from the snow too though.

Someone coughs behind the camera. They both look up and smile.

"I'm Angelina," the girl says.

"I'm James," the boy says.

They both start to laugh, then Angelina straightens up and stares straight into the camera, "This is a movie about us, two teenage wizards living at Hogwarts, this might be super good . . ." she starts.

"Or absolute rubbish," James finishes.

She gets up, moving closer to the camera until she's holding it and staring straight at it. "We shot all this footage and realized we didn't have an intro--"

"So we decided to film it months after we started," he's walked over and bent down to rest his head on her shoulder. "Now cut."

The suns rising.

This scene is tinted with red and orange and all the colors of autumn.  You can easily tell this was taken much earlier than the last one. The camera stays on the sky for a long time, in the background you hear two people, saying something that can't really be understood. But then you hear laughter and realize someones said some joke because the other one can't stop laughing.

It's just the sun rising but it feels like you're intruding on something personal.

"October 18th, 1977."

"What's your favourite memory?"

Angelina bites her lip. "In the summer we always go to the beach house. Sometimes for only a weekend, but once every few years we manage to spend a month there," she pauses, looking unsure and sad. "But, I think I could spend my entire life there and it wouldn't be enough. So my favourite memory isn't really a specific thing. It's a place that's filled with the happiest ones."

The camera zooms up on her face. Her long falls into it, obstructing you from really see her, it's like she's almost trying to hide away in it. But she glances up after a few moments and you see her glassy eyes that are growing worse by the second.

"Is summer your favourite season?"

"Yeah," she says quietly.


"Summer felt like a whole different life. Surrounded by muggles, far away from every magical part of me. It wasn't ever bad that way, it felt like finally going up for a breath of air after you're in the water too long."

James clears his throat. "Does that mean you felt like you were drowning during the school year."


"What's your favourite memory?"

James grins. "I think I'd get in trouble if I said it, but I'll tell you my second favourite memory. It was my fifth year, the final game of the season, and right before the snitch was caught, I got a goal. The thing about it was even if we'd caught the snitch we'd have lost the House Cup by a few points, but the last second I managed to get a goal in. It was those extra points that we needed. I remember getting down and everyone just running towards me and the boys all carrying me on their shoulders."

"I remember that," Angelina says. "My brother was so proud of you."

"I don't think I would be half the player I am if it wasn't for him."

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