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I let James tell me about every tiny detail that has happened over the last few hours. His face is buried into his hands and he's so frustrated and scared, he's always known that his parents were older but never realised that events like this were going to come so soon. So, I let him lean into me, and I wrap my arms around him in an effort to give him some comfort.

The wind howls and we're both feeling the damp morning air fill our bones with ice. "Ang," he says, his voice thin enough that it might break. "Can you come? To the hospital. It'd be nicer with you there."

It makes me smile though the circumstances are less that ideal. "Am I that great," I ask, jokingly.

"Yeah," he nods. "When you're with me it feels like it's okay. You always make me feel like everything's going to be okay."

Aunt Sally hadn't gone back to sleep, instead she'd been watching some T.V and when I told her about what was happening, she didn't even hesitate to say yes. Instead started packing some food from last night and telling me to change into something warmer and a bit nicer,  I do as I'm told and she comes into the room my room and says, "First impressions are important. So, you make his parents love you as much as he's made us love him." 

So, I hug her a goodbye and and tell her that I'll be back by supper and if plans change I'll send her a letter right away. My aunt nods the pushes me along, saying I should hurry and not keep James waiting. She's the most spontaneous woman ever yet is a stickler for time. 

When we're outside and I'm mentally preparing myself to apparate, James asks, "Do they know?"

I'm sitting on the ground, so I angle my head to look up to him. "Huh?"

"About . . . magic," he says.

I shrug. "Uncle Winston knows as much as my parents did, and Aunt Sally knows the basics," I say, rubbing my jeans as if it'll give me some luck. I can barely drive a car so lord knows how I passed the apparition test. "This year I've sort of just told them everything, though they've always had their suspicions."

He bobs his head, processing the information. "Cool."

"Indeed," I say, then suddenly realise something and feel embarrassed. "Do you think we could just apparate together? I haven't done it since the summer and I'm, well, kinda scared."

My statement surprises James but he gives me a small smile, extending his hand out to me. As our fingers interlock, he says, "I think we should start apparating more. You know. To get maximum hand holding in."

A snort escapes me as he tightens his grip, a warning that he's about to go. I close my eyes and mumble some prayer that hopefully makes sure James and I don't get splinched. Suddenly everything's so dark and it feels like my body some sort of taffy being pulled over again and again, then it's all spinning and I remember why I hadn't done this in months. The thing is you  feel so miniscule, like you might be some tiny dot of lint just being thrown around in a dryer.

Motion sickness is common for many people, and when I say people, I really just mean myself but I put in the most so I don't feel bad about myself.

The familiar bright lights of the hospital and sudden feeling of being something rather than just nothing, makes me open my eyes. We're on the cafeteria floor, people are grabbing breakfast now that it's early enough that you swear the sun might rise any second (it's still winter though, so it won't. No matter how much you wish it would). 

I feel a bit dizzy, so I lean against James, hoping to steady myself. "I might go down any second," I warn, causing him to laugh. "Don't laugh at me Potter. This is not funny--"

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