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"You have something in your hair."

My hand instinctively goes up to my hair, trying to feel for something with no avail. He just laughs a little then moves to pick up some lint that had managed to get tangled in my hair. We're currently studying trying to study for our Potion's test but both of us have given up by now because it's been two hours, if we fail then it's really not in our control anymore.

I close my book and turn to him, "So are you still interested in becoming a Herbologist?"

Harvey laughs. "No, mum and dad want me to take over the company," he tells me. "I worked in the office this summer and it's not that bad. They want me to go to business school after I graduate."

"Are you okay with that," I ask.

"It makes them happy, Lina."

He settles for a job he'll be content with but will never love. A part of me wants to tell him he's going to regret it and he shouldn't settle down just yet, but I don't. Harv knows already, he always knows everything because somehow he manages to look at himself through an outside perspective. I want to say the boy I dated wasn't like this at all, but he was. Harvey is a giver in the way he'd rather make everyone else happy even if he ended up miserable. 

It's getting late now, so we both start cleaning up our table. Papers, quills, and books scattered through out it. I pause when I see a familiar ball point pen. It's from Uncle Winston's office and I had grabbed a handful for Harv because, well, there was no real reason. I just wanted to surprise him with something. 

I hand it to him. "You kept it?"

"Of course, I did," he says, his voice growing quiet. He looks up and we both make eye contact uncomfortably, then shakes his head. "You guys should just forgive each other already. I know you might think whatever he did was bad, but, it's time, Lina.

Three weeks passed by in a blink of an eye. Both of us had busied ourselves in the art of avoiding the other. Moving spots in Muggle Studies, looking away when our eyes met, taking the long way just so we wouldn't cross paths. 

Well, it was a lie. Three weeks had not passed by in the blink of an eye, it felt so long. Especially when the person you would talk to the most wasn't there anymore. It's funny, sometimes I'd see something and my first instinct would be, I have to tell James about it. But then I'd remember, I couldn't do that anymore. 

Here's the thing, since The Marauders (I hate calling them that now that I actually now them) are basically famous, they've made me into a D-list celebrity. So the whole school knows how James Potter and Angelina Peirce are fighting.  (Wait, who's that? She's the Hufflepuff whose whole family got murdered. What? Elliot Pierce's little sister. Oh, he was so hot that's sad) Along side that, everybody talks about how Sonya and James just went on their third date yesterday and if they'll actually date or not. Making me absolutely miserable because, gosh, why does everybody care so much about four teenage boys and their personal lives?

"I'm not in the wrong though," I tell him.

He shakes his head. "Maybe you aren't, but being the bigger person never harmed anyone."

Harv's right, I know he is. But I'm shaking my head and muttering some shitty excuse. "I'll see you on Tuesday after dinner."

What season reminds you of him?

A) Summer

B) Autumn

C) Winter

D) Spring

I'm about to go to my dorm but Rachel and Siobhan are in front of me, blocking me from moving the entrance. Siobhan's grabbing my arm and trying to drag me away but I plant my feet trying to not to budge. 

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