Ten Years and Ten Months Ago

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Tulip read the text beaming on her iPhone 3

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Tulip read the text beaming on her iPhone 3. Her older brother, William, had been text spamming her like a bill collector. Since his break-up, he'd been needy and nosey. A combination that was beginning to annoy the young girl that rather be focusing on the reality she was in. However, she wasn't complaining as she sat at the corner table at off-campus Starbucks. She was waiting for her friend who was running late and instead of partaking in people-watching in the buzzy cafe she'd gladly chat with him.

The young man that was starting his senior year at Stanford University with a soccer scholarship and just so happened to be one of her favorite people in the world. It was why she still put up with his nightly check-in calls. They'd been through so much in their journey as siblings that she owed him that. He was always worrying about her. At first, she thought it was because she was a girl but then learned it was because at the age of nineteen she was his only living known relative. It was a daunting label to carry but she wore it with pride and grace.   

She wouldn't admit it to him but she missed being able to skip down the hall, knock on his door, and spill all her doubts, dreams, and hopes as he played Assassin's Creed. He was a listener and she was a talker so they were a match made in sibling heaven.

Tulip kept pulling on the straw, the creamy hazelnut frappuccino chilled the back of her throat as her hot pink nails danced over the screen then tap send.

Tulip: I'm going to set you up on Tinder.

She smiled thinking about the stunned looked on his face when he read it. His response came back before she even swallowed.

Will: You better not

Will: I don't need your help getting lad.

Tulip: Eww, don't give me that image.

Tulip: I'm trying to get you a soulmate, loser.

Will: Soulmates aren't real, Cinderella.

She rolled her eyes at his words then typed.

Tulip: Are too, Grinch.

He was turning into a love-hater since his breakup and she wasn't going to let him convince her otherwise.  Fairy Tales may not have existed or even Happily Ever Afters but she did believe that everyone had that one person that spoke to their heart and soul, loving them without condition and free of fault. William's person was out there and so was hers.

Will: Wrong holiday. Grinch is a Christmas villain.

She peeked up from her phone catching a form approaching the table. A happy smile spread across her face as a woman the same age as her but a couple of inches shorter and a shade lighter claimed the chair across from her.

"I'm late. Sorry, girl. My Lit professor went on a rant about Keats." The copper-hued beauty dropped in the wooden chair with a huff that was no doubt from the thick summer humidity hovering outside.

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