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Iduna is sitting in the betting den with Sebastian, Finn and Scudboat when they hear a loud clattering.

"John?" Scudboat calls out.

What they didn't expect was the Lee family to run through the door. Iduna quickly gets the two children out before being dragged back by her hair and she lets out a pained yell.

Iduna begins biting, kicking and thrashing. Trying desperately to get him off of her. He holds her up against the wall as he begins patting her up and down for weapons, his hands lingering in certain places for longer than necessary. Iduna spits in his eye and he backhands her, causing her head to snap harshly to the side.

"We got the money," Another Lee boy says and the Lee boy holding Iduna hits her again before letting her go.

The Shelby brothers and Polly burst through the door about ten minutes after the Lees leave. Iduna is holding a cold tea towel to Scudboat's face, trying to reduce the swelling as she nursed her own bruised cheekbone, cut chin and split lip.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" Arthur asks.

"The Lees" Iduna says, hissing as Polly makes her drink some whiskey before pouring it on her chin. "Fuck!"

"All of them" Scudboat says. "Cousins, nephews even their bastards."

"Here's something that'll cheer you up," Arthur says. "John's marrying Lizzie Stark"

Iduna and Scudboat burst out laughing.

"They've taken anything they can lay their hands on" Polly says. "Four cash boxes"

"They left these" Tommy holds up a pair of wire cutters.

"Wire cutters" Polly says. "Why would they leave that?"

"Nobody move," Arthur says.

The penny drops for Iduna, remembering hearing about this trick.

"Holy shit," Iduna says.

"I think our friends are playing the game" Tommy says.

"What game?" Polly asks.

"Aunt Pol" John says. "Don't touch anything"

"Erasmus Lee was in France," Tommy says.

"Shit" Scudboat says.

"Whenever we gave up ground to the Germans," Tommy says. "We'd leave behind booby traps set up with wires. We'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke."

"Somewhere in here there's a hand grenade" John says as everyone slowly moves.

"Holy Jesus" Polly says, freezing from her movements.

"It's not here" Iduna says, shaking her head. "It would have blown when you came bursting in" Her eyes widen. "Where are Seb and Finn?"

Tommy rushes out of the house and Iduna follows him.

"The hand grenade is in my car" Tommy says and Iduna's heart stops when she spots Sebastian and Finn in Tommy's car.

"Seb" Iduna whispers, going to step forward but Tommy stops her, gently using his arm to hold her back.

"Boys stay exactly where you are" Tommy says.

"Tommy, we're pretending to be you" Finn says happily, blissfully unaware of the danger he was in.

"Which door did you open to get in, Finn sweetheart?" Iduna asks.

"We didn't mum," Sebastian says proudly. "We climbed in"

"I want you two to climb out exactly the same way you climbed in, okay?" Tommy asks but the two boys laugh thinking its a game. Iduna runs forward and pulls the two boys to her chest tightly.

"CLEAR" Tommy yells, throwing the grenade before wrapping his arms around Iduna.

Iduna pulls away from Tommy's grasp and hugs the two boys who are in a state of shock. Tommy takes Finn as Iduna holds Sebastian.

"This is why you don't pretend to be me, alright boys," Tommy says, giving Finn a hug before the group of four walk away. Finn and Sebastian were walking between the two adults.


Iduna is sitting in her living room as Seb is sitting upstairs reading. Flashing through Iduna's head are images of what could have happened had the boys opened the door. A knock on the door sounds and Iduna jumps.

"It's me" Tommy's voice calls out and she opens the door.

"Come in," Iduna says, they walk into the living room and Tommy sits on the sofa and Iduna sits next to him.

"Is he alright?" Tommy asks and Iduna nods, tracing her thumb over her lip.

"He could have died Tommy" Iduna whispers. "Him and Finn"

"Don't worry," Tommy says. "I've sorted it with the Lee family"

"TOMMY!" Sebastian runs down the stairs and barrels into the man.

Tommy chuckles as he ruffles the boy's hair.

"Hey little man," Tommy says as Iduna rolls her eyes playfully. "Now we're going to the betting den to celebrate. Billy Kimber is about to deliver me a present."

"Not if he's going to be there," Iduna says.

"He's just delivering," Tommy says.

"Can we?" Sebastian asks his mum.

"Why not?" Iduna says with a sigh, getting to her feet.


In the betting den, Iduna and Sebastian are greeted by John and Arthur with hugs. Iduna laughs and returns the embraces whilst Sebastian tells them he's too old for hugs. Iduna glares as Tommy walks in accompanied by Billy Kimber and his accountant. Iduna clutches onto Sebastian as Kimber walks up to her.

"Hello again," Kimber says.

"Stay the fuck away from her" John says, stepping in front of Iduna and Sebastian hides behind the two adults.

Everyone quietens as Tommy enters the room.

"Gentlemen-" Tommy begins, only for Polly and Iduna to clear their throats before smirking at each other. "And Ladies. I have in my hand a legal betting license. Issued by the board of control. The Shelby family has its first legal racetrack pitch."

Everyone cheers and John and Arthur hug Iduna. Iduna catches her eyes with Tommy's and she smiles at him. To the surprise of everyone, Tommy Shelby smiles back. Polly wraps her arms around Iduna and the two women cheer for Tommy.

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