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Iduna is sat with Polly, Michael and Sebastian at the table, about to enjoy their meal.

"Dear Lord," Polly says as they all clasp their hands together. "For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly grateful. Amen"

"Amen," Iduna and Sebastian echo but Michael keeps silent.

"Amen," Polly says, looking pointedly at Michael.

"Amen," Michael says and Polly smiles.

They begin serving food as Michael tells Sebastian about the countryside. All of a sudden, the police burst in and grab Michael.

"Not again!" Polly yells as the two women try and stop the officers. "Michael! No, you can't take my son away again!"

Iduna runs to the car that Michael was put into.

"Michael, don't say anything alright?" Iduna yells. "Tommy will get you out, say nothing"

Michael nods and presses his hand against the glass. Iduna does the same.

"You'll be alright Michael"

Iduna feels herself get pressed up against the car by Campbell and Michael begins banging on the glass.

"Don't you fucking touch them!" Polly yells, being held back by two officers.

"You should know," Campbell says. "That as of this night, Tommy Shelby is finished"

Polly and Iduna are sat smoking when Tommy walks in.

"John?" Tommy says, looking at his brother.

"The coppers have lifted ten of our men in Camden Town," John says. "The rest are on the run"

"They've taken Michael," Iduna says.

"Business first," Tommy says.

"They took Michael," Polly says. "They picked him up-"

"Polly, business first," Tommy snaps. "John?"

"They took all our whisky," John says. "So no doubt they'll be supping that for Christmas. They've impounded all our vans" Iduna wraps a comforting arm around Polly. "Put their own locks on the warehouse. The Eden club and all our pubs have been raided by the coppers and handed back to Sabini and Solomons. The Black Country Boys think it was Arthur who killed Billy 'cause that's what the coppers told them. So no more free passes for our whisky boats."

"I don't give a fuck about whisky," Polly says. "I don't give a fuck about Billy Kitchen. I want my son out of prison. Now!"

"Thomas I spoke to Johnny Dogs," Esme says.

"This meeting should just be family," Polly snaps.

"I can help," Esme says.

"It's family only," Polly says. "She is not blood, Tommy" Iduna scoffs, puts out her cigarette and leaves. "Iduna-"

The door slams and the Shelby men look at Polly, who looks guiltily after Iduna.

Iduna walks into the police station to visit Michael but she is escorted by a police officer to see Campbell.

"Come in," His voice sounds out. "Ah. Iduna"

"I've come to see Michael, he's innocent in all of this," Iduna says.

"Close the door," Campbell says. "I've just been conducting an interrogation. Can be awfully hard on the hands"

"Michael, where is he?" Iduna asks.

"Do you think I need a shave?" Campbell asks. "It's been a long day"

Campbell takes Iduna's hand and presses it against his face.

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