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Iduna is sat in the plush chair with a newspaper in her hand, smoking a cigarette as Tommy reads over her shoulder as the family begins to trickle in.

"You alright?" Polly asks as herself, Arthur and John walk in.

Tommy pops the cork out of a bottle and pours four glasses. He hadn't told Iduna what the meeting was about so she was just as in the dark as the rest of the family.

"Just us?" Arthur asks.

"Just us," Tommy confirms.

"Are we celebrating?" Polly asks.

"Just taste this," Tommy says, handing them all a glass. Arthur drinks it first as the others watch, waiting for Arthur's verdict.

"What do you think Arthur?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah, it's good, good stuff, really nice," Arthur says. "Too good for the Garrison. I suppose we could shift it to the toffs at the Eden club. Why? What is it?"

"That is part of an export drive," Tommy says. "We now have a secure warehouse in Camden Town and secure passage to poplar docks"

John drinks next and Iduna carefully watches his reaction before taking a sip herself, her eyes lighting up at the taste.

"So on Monday morning, we'll be sending out our first export crate. A crate of Riley car spares bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia"

"Where there is prohibition?" Polly asks.

"Where there is prohibition," Tommy says as Iduna flicks the nub of her cigarette into the ashtray. "All over Canada and America, people are making their own booze. In bath tubs. But rich people in New York, in Toronto and Boston are still paying a lot of money for the real stuff. So on Monday the first Shelby Company crate will contain 1000 Riley carburettors but hidden in the packing, will be five hundred bottles of the finest quality single malt Scotch whisky. We Shelbys have a license granted by the Minister of the Empire himself, which means our crates won't be searched and Polly all the whisky will be packed at the docks so Michael can do the books without being involved"

Iduna takes the bottle from Polly and pours herself another glass.

"Like I've been telling you all for a year now, motor cars are the future"

Iduna is stood next to Tommy in Camden Town, watching as men stack the crates.

"So, how has your life been, Tom," Johnny Dogs asks.

"On the up Johnny," Tommy says. "On the up"

"And you Iduna?" Johnny asks.

"Can't complain Johnny," Iduna says with a smile. Johnny turns back to Tommy.

"But Tom, really, come on. How is it?" Johnny glances at Iduna slyly. "You know I hate to see you not even married yet"

Iduna inhales from shock and chokes on some of the smoke from her cigarette. Johnny Dogs laughs and pats her on the back.

"You have a fine looking lady here Tommy and we haven't had a good old wedding in a long time"

"Have you had a look inside these boxes then, Johnny?" Tommy asks, changing the subject.

"Why do I want to look at car parts Tommy?" Johnny Dogs asks. "When I haven't even got a car"

"Faith in family is a fine thing, eh?" Tommy says. "And I wouldn't even be counting. If 25 becomes 24 then 24 it is."

"You know I'm no good with numbers, Tom" Johnny Dogs says as amusement flickers across Iduna's face.

"But if 24 ever became 23" Tommy says. "Then that would be tax and we don't pay tax"

"No Tom," Johnny Dogs says. Tommy pulls away and Iduna wraps an arm around his waist.

"Ignore him Johnny," Iduna says. "He's just stressed at the minute, once this starts going smoothly he'll be nicer"

Johnny smiles at Iduna, giving her a quick squeeze. Iduna then walks away with Tommy.

"I put an iron door on," Billy Kitchen says as they pass him. "We put iron bars on the windows and across the skylights"

"Good," Tommy says.

"So what will you be keeping in here, Tommy?" Billy asks.

"Temptation, Billy," Tommy says. "Temptation"

Iduna and Tommy walk into the Eden club to see Arthur and some woman naked on one of the fancy sofas.

"Morning Arthur," Tommy says to his brother. "We were just passing"

The pair go into the office and not long later, Arthur joins them.

"I think I'm in fucking love," Arthur says, clicking his fingers. "Drink! She don't know where to look"

Arthur begins buttoning his shirt.

"Whiskey, Tommy?" Arthur asks, before looking at the woman in his brother's lap. "Iduna?"

"No we've got a long drive ahead," Tommy says.

"You off home?" Arthur asks.

"Mm-hmm" Tommy replies. "Eventually"

"To Birmingham" Arthur says.

"What's this?" Iduna asks, looking in the book. "Olives?"

"Yes" Arthur says. "That's miscellaneous"

"You know a word with that many letters?" Iduna asks in disbelief.

"Olives on sticks" Arthur says. "You know with little bits of fucking onion and things. That's what it is"

"We've taken 600 pounds on olives" Tommy says.

"Yeah with little bits of onion," Arthur says.

"I told you Arthur," Tommy says. "The dealers sell the cocaine and we take a cut. We don't sell it direct. The Home Secretary is cracking down and I don't want this to fuck up everything else. Understand?"

"I understand," Arthur says.

"How much of that 600 came out of your pocket?" Tommy asks.

"It's under control," Arthur says.

"I put you down here because people are scared of you, Arthur," Tommy says. "But if you don't straighten up, it'll be John's turn in London."

"No need," Arthur says. "I can handle it"

"It's under control?" Iduna asks, concern clear in her voice.

"It's under control," Arthur confirms.

Tommy closes the books before leaning back, pulling Iduna close to his chest.

"Fucking tidy profit though, eh?" Tommy says.

"It's happening Tom," Arthur says.

"Good," Tommy says before the couple get up and leave.

Tommy pulls up in a fancy street in London.

"Why are we here?" Iduna asks and Tommy pulls out a file with a big bold SECRET stamped on the front.

A policeman approaches the car and Tommy hides the folder.

"What's your business?" He asks.

"Sorry, we're lost," Tommy says, placing a hand on Iduna's thigh.

"Yeah well you can't stop here. Move on," The policeman says.

Tommy starts the engine before checking his watch.

"Twenty three seconds," Tommy says before they drive away.

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