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There's a banging on the door and Iduna swings it open to reveal a frantic Tommy.

"Meet Ada and then get to the bullring with Seb," Tommy says, resting a hand on her face. "Grace betrayed us and Billy Kimber is on his way here"

He kisses her quickly as Iduna shouts for Seb to grab his coat.

The mother and son then begin hurrying through the streets to get to Ada's basement. Iduna shouts for Ada through the door.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Iduna asks as she looks at Ada dressed in all black.

"Put these on" Ada throws a bundle of black at Iduna. Iduna quickly changes and places the hat on her head. "We're going to stop the fighting"

"Ada when you said we're going to stop the fighting, I didn't think your plan was going to be this fucking stupid" Iduna hisses.

"It's going to work just shut up," Ada says and Iduna runs her hand over her face.

"If we die for them, I'm going to kill you, Ada," Iduna says.

"I'm going to pretend that makes sense," Ada says as she gets behind Billy Kimber's men. "Move!"

The two women and their children stand between the two gangs.

"Ada, what are you doing?" Freddie asks at the same time as Tommy who says.

"Iduna, get out of the way"

"Shut up and listen! I believe this is what you boys call no man's land" Iduna says, making eye contact with Tommy who looks at her concerned.

"Have you lost your mind?" Freddie shouts.

"She said shut up," Ada says. "Now most of you were in France, so you all know what happens next. I've got brothers and a husband here but you've all got somebody waiting for you"

"Now we're wearing black in preparation," Iduna says. "I want you to look at us. I want you all to look at us. Who'll be wearing black for you? Think about them"

"Think about them right now," Ada says. "Fight if you want to but that baby, Iduna and Seb aren't moving anywhere and neither am I"

"They're right you know," Kimber says. "Why should all you men die? It should just be them who's caused it." Kimber pulls out a gun and fires, hitting Tommy in the chest. Iduna pulls Seb and Karl into her chest, protecting them with her body.

"Tommy" Iduna screams but stays where she is. Tommy then whips out his gun and shoots Kimber between the eyes.

"Enough" Tommy yells. "Kimber and I fought this battle one on one. It's over. Go home to your families" Kimber's men walk away and Iduna rushes to Tommy. Tommy stumbles and she catches him.

"Help me," Iduna says to the men around her. Jeremiah Jesus grabs Tommy on the other side and the two help him inside the Garrison.

"Mum!" Iduna hears her son calling.

"Everything's alright Seb" Iduna shouts back. "Ada, Freddie you keep him away from this it's not something I want him to see."

Iduna rolls up her sleeves as she pulls Tommy's shirt off. Jeremiah hands her a spoon and fork. Iduna takes a deep breath before digging them into the wound to look for the bullet. Tommy thrashes groaning in pain.

"Take it, Tommy," Arthur says.

"Hold him still" Iduna says. "If he keeps thrashing I could do more harm than good"

Arthur, John and Jeremiah hold Tommy still as she roots further. Iduna pulls the bullet out and all the men cheer.

"Have a drink?" Arthur says and Tommy takes two mouthfuls from the bottle before Iduna takes it and pours some into the wound, causing Tommy to once again scream in pain.

"You're alright Tommy," Iduna says, stroking Tommy's hair from his face and he nods weakly.

"I see what Arthur meant about pretty nurses," Tommy says with a grin.

They all filter into the Snug and Polly hands Iduna a letter.

"It's from her," Polly says. "She wants you to say goodbye at the train station, I'll cover for you after we've paid our respects"

"Now we can bury him properly," John says. "In the grave we dug for him"

"Yeah," Tommy says. "It's high on a hill. He'd like that. To Danny Whizz-Bang"

"Danny" Everyone echoes before Iduna slips away.


"Why did you do it?" Is Iduna's first question.

"For my father," Grace says. "I didn't want the IRA getting their hands on the guns"

"Why did you want to meet me, Grace?" Iduna asks.

"Because if I left without saying this, it'd haunt me forever," Grace says, stepping forward. "I didn't fall in love with Tommy, Iduna. I fell in love with you." Iduna's jaw drops. "I know I can not take back what I've done, but I only ask that you write to me, not as a lover but as a friend."

"Of course," Iduna says. "I hope you're happy wherever you move to" The two women embrace before Iduna leaves again.

"Her?" Campbell asks, walking out of the mist. "That's who you rejected me for?"

"Yes," Grace says, watching as the woman she loved leaves before turning to Campbell who had a gun pointed at her.


Iduna walks back into the Garrison to reveal a party. Polly approaches her.

"She said what she had to say," Iduna says. Polly rests her hand on Iduna's shoulder.

"She'll be okay, she's smart enough to survive," Polly says. "Now let's celebrate!"

Iduna grins at the Shelby matriarch who drags her. Tommy joins her and spins her around. The pair kiss and Polly cheers loudly causing Iduna to giggle into Tommy's mouth. Tommy looks at her.

"You are so beautiful" He whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

All was good with the people of Small Heath.

For now.

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