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Iduna is inside the Garrison, preparing for the wake of Freddie Thorne's funeral. Iduna had attended the main ceremony before leaving early. She is preparing the whisky bottles and checking all the glasses are clean. But what Iduna wasn't expecting was for the front of the pub to explode. Iduna ducks under the bar as flames roar up. Iduna crawls across the floor to the back door, holding a towel to her face. Iduna stumbles to her feet and tries to push the back door open. Iduna's movements become frantic as she slams against the door which wasn't budging.

Iduna drops the towel and uses both of her hands to slam against the door. The door bursts open and Iduna stumbles to the front of the Garrison, coughing harshly. Her face is covered in soot as she tries to gulp in as much fresh air as she could.

"Iduna!" Iduna spots Tommy and flings herself into his arms.

Tommy wraps his arms around her tightly. He places his hand on the back of her head as she coughs into his jacket, clutching the material tightly.

"I got you," Tommy says as Polly rubs the woman's back comfortingly.

"Nobody saw anything sir," Moss says. "Mr Shelby, do you have any idea who might have done it?

"I'd say it had something to do with the gas" Tommy replies, handing Moss money. "It's just been fitted"

Polly walks inside and Moss speaks up.

"Madam the structure has not yet been declared safe"

"This is all over the place" Polly hands Tommy green confetti.

"You can go," Tommy says to Moss.

"Who?" Polly asks. "Who did this to us?"

"The Irish" Iduna whispers and Tommy nods.

"I'm going to sort it, you go back to the betting den with Pol," Tommy says. "Clean up your hands" Iduna nods, watching Tommy walk away.


Iduna sits in Tommy's office writing her weekly letter to Grace.

Dear Grace,

It has been two years since you left, I hope this letter finds you in good health. Tragedy has once again struck the Shelby family, Freddie Thorne has died of pestilence. He caught a nasty bought of Spanish Influenza and died peacefully in his sleep.

I miss you Grace, but no one in the family understands why. All they see you as is a traitor. But you see, they always had one another whereas when I came to Birmingham I had no one. I met Polly and Ada but they were the only female friends I had until I met you that is. I decided to take your advice from your letter just under two years ago. I have allowed myself to love Tommy freely, pushing the consequences of doing so into the back of my mind. I know living this lifestyle is dangerous, as you have warned me many times in your writing and I assure you, the family and I have recently placed necessary precautions in case of an emergency.

If you are ever in England, let me know in advance and I shall visit you. I'll bring Seb along too. He misses you, you know. He was extremely grateful for your gift for his birthday and says he can't wait to see you again.

I hope you are well Grace,

All my love,

Iduna Darling

"You still writing to that bloody woman?" Polly asks as Iduna seals the letter and addresses the letter. Iduna just ignores her, handing Finn the letter and telling him to take it to the post office before going to find Arthur.

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