Chapter 7: Taron

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I had almost lost all self-control. But why was it so hard to control myself around her in the first place? I felt like she was the air I needed to breathe.

London was suffocating me. As much as I loved the city, my heart wasn't here. My heart was in Aber. My family was there. And Morgan was there. But I would have to get used to being in London more in the future, and I had to anyway, job-wise.

I was scheduled to do some narrating for Sing 2 and I couldn't really focus. The only thing I could focus on was my broken heart. I wouldn't act on my feelings for Morgan, I would never do that to my brother. The wedding was practically right around the corner, and I needed to get a grip already.

"Richard, hey" we clapped each other on the back.

"How's it going mate?" he asked.

Thank God I had one of my best friends here in London.

"I'm ready to get drunk" I said, my voice hard.

Richard chuckled "That bad, eh?"

"You have no clue"

"I guess I don't" he fiddled with his wedding ring.

"You're a damn lucky bastard" I teased him.

We walked into our favourite pub and ordered the usual.

"How's work?" I asked him.

"It's good. So glad we'll have Keeley back on set"

"I'm excited to see where the story goes!" I said.

I got why Richard couldn't talk about any details.

"What about you, Taron?" he asked.

I let out a breath "Who would've thought I'd end up here, in love with a woman I can never have?"

"What happened?" he asked calmly.

I took a swig of my beer "She asked me to kiss her"

Richard raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"Yeah" I chuckled "I couldn't do it. I wanted to but –"

I gulped.

Richard looked at me understandingly "You could tell her how you feel, you know?"

I shook my head "And risk my brother's happiness? I won't do that"

He deserved her, maybe more than I did. And I wanted him to be happy, especially after our tough childhood.

"Then you still have another choice" Richard said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in question.

"Find someone to get over her"

I found the thought alone of being with another woman repulsing.

"It might take time" he said.

Yeah. It had only been what? Five years?

Luckily, I was busy over the next few weeks. I had signed up for a new project that we would start production soon and I couldn't wait. I knew the wedding was only a few days away so I did one last thing before driving back to Aber: I had to get their wedding present.

"Hello darling" my mom pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged her right back.

"Hi mom"

"Taron" I heard Mari call.

"Hey sweetie" I swooped her up and she giggled.

Once I set her down, I pulled Rosie into a hug.

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