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January 2019

Los Angeles


The next morning I was woken up by Faith.

"Come on Sunshine! You are meeting the American Greek God that will be your boss!"

"First, why are you so excited? Second, He is not hot, third, that makes no sense."- I complain while I sit up straight against the headboard of my bed.

But since this is my best friend talking, she ignored everything I said.

"GET UP LAZY ASS!"- She shouted this time.

"WHYYYY???!!!"- I complain once again while getting up before Faith decides to dump water over me.

And just like that, I start getting ready for my unwanted undercover job.

Like usual, I put on a shirt and jeans and leave the house with Faith.

"Text me if you need anything and when you will be coming home."- She says getting into her car.

"Yes, mom"

I get into my own car and put the companies address in the GPS, still not ready for this job.

From what the boss said, I will be using my real name and CV but leaving out the part of working for the FBI.

January 2019

Los Angeles

R&L's Company, Check-in

I park close to the building and start to get nervous.

I know I will be meeting with the man himself to get his side of the story and then the job will start right away, which is pretty suspicious but I do what the boss says, either one of them.

I walk right into the building and locate the reception.

Here comes the 'good girl' acting.

"Uhm... Excuse me?"- I start the conversation.

"Yes, honey?"

In front of me was a 60-year-old woman that seemed to be a worker.

"My name is Madison Brooks, I have a meeting with Mr.Russo."

"Okay, go to that lift, level 50. Go to his secretary, and she will let you in"- She says back with a smile.

"Thank you"- I revolve the smile.

Following her leads, I now find myself in a lift with 5 more people that are much taller than me but turns out I'm the last person out.

Stepping out, I end up on a level with only one room and a desk in front of it.

I get closer to it and repeat what I said to the other lady to this girl.

She looked like she was trying to impress somebody, most likely the big man.

After explaining myself, the girl gets the phone and warns the boss that I'm here.

"He says you can go in"- She tells me while somewhat glaring.


I ignore her stare and open the door.

"Miss Brooks. Thank you so much for coming."- He starts off while standing up to shake my hand.

"It's only my job."- I explain while accepting his hand. "You might also need to find a secretary that doesn't judge every woman that comes through those doors."- I say honestly.

"She is still doing that?"- He responds shaking his head and sits back down.

"Alright, can you explain what and how it happened?"

"Well, I was trying to access something on that level and I kept on getting locked out and then my computer stopped working. I had to buy an entire new one because they said it was fried? What the hell does that even mean?"- He tried to explain but ended up rambling and mumbling to himself

"Alright, so, I might need you to give me the entire access, to everything. either that or I'll hack my way in."- I set the first rule up.

"It sounds like I don't have a choice."- He says with a slight smirk.

"No, no you don't."

"When did you get the impression that it was a virus?"- I ask another thing

"A few days after that... Because what I needed was really important, I used another computer and that one showed that it was a virus... At least that's what one of the IT people told me."- He couldn't be any more doubtful if he tried.

"Okay, another thing I need. I need to know where all the main computers are... like the system."- I asked and then he looked at me like a lost child.- "Oh gosh... Where the huge tower-like black boxes with the blinking. lights"- I try explaining in an easier way.

"Oh! They are in the underground parking lots... For some reason, the construction people wanted them there."

This is going to be harder than I thought.

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