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January 2019

Los Angeles

R&L Company, My desk

That little weekend felt nice but the day that I had to go back to work after downloading all the files was stressful because I didn't know if the culprit(s) noticed that I messed with it even after taking precautions and making sure that the pen drive was track-free.

Even then, they might have out something else that I wasn't expecting.

All the way there, I was sweating from nerves of getting caught. I could only relax when I sat down at my desk and nobody came up to talk to me. Probably because I got here earlier than most people.

"Morning love"- A voice I recognize sounds.

I look up to see if he was talking to me and find Garrett staring straight into my eyes.

"Good morning"- I greet back

"What are you doing here so early?"

"Woke up early, I thought I could get some work done"- I make up an excuse (that I thought of when I was driving).

"Seriously? work oversleep?"- He questions

"Why are you asking me? Aren't you here early too?"- I deflect by asking him another question with an arched eyebrow.

"Touché, love. Touché"- He answers nodding to himself.

"Will you stop with those horrible nicknames?"- I wonder after a few seconds of silence

"Weren't girls suppose to like those?"

"I'm not like most girls"

I only realized how cliché that sounded after it came out of my mouth.

Garrett chuckles and leaves me alone to my own amends. I wanted to say a comeback but when I turned to him, he was nowhere in sight. I roll my eyes and went to work being careful if somebody was behind me, keeping me on edge since I wanted to start working on the virus and its code.

It was around 9 am when people started coming in, so I had to stop working on it.

In that hour I spent alone, I could decipher about ¼ of the code, finding that they created the malware by themselves. I know that because I had never seen it before.

They used the spaces instead of "-", used caps, for the most part, which is a very rare way of coding; that shows that they wanted to use it but unconsciously they started to use their usual way of coding, meaning that they usually use the normal way and not caps.


January 2019

Los Angeles

R&L Company, Lunch Cafeteria

During lunch, while everybody was going to eat, I stayed behind and went back to decoding the virus, wanting to find new things and a constant behaviour. But before I could get anything done, a shadow towering over me stopped me.

"Aren't you going to eat something?"- This departments boss wonders.

"Uhm... no, I still have work to finish off and I'm not really hungry yet."- I explain quite quickly.

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