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January 2019

Los Angeles

R&L Company, Computer Room

The rest of the day went by quickly so we started our plan.

I wait around Garrett's desk for him to finish and then we go together to the garage. When we get there we go towards my car because I had parked it closest.

We unlock the door with the key that the boss left us and get into it.

"Wow. This is so much bigger than I thought"- I comment looking around.

"You are going to get dizzy if you keep looking around like that."- Garrett speaks all of the sudden making me jump.

"Jesus"- I complain putting a hand where my heart is while he laughs at my reaction.

"You... Should've... seen... your... face..."- He says panting from the laugh.

I must say... he does have a cute laugh.

"Why thank you"- He comments.

"Did I say that out loud?"- I question turning my back to him so that he couldn't see my embarrassment.

"Yes. Yes, you did."

I ignore him and keep going to find the main tower or the tower that has all the viruses/anti-viruses.

"This feels like a maze"- I comment.

"You get used to it after a while"

"Have you been here a lot?"- I question

"I helped set up and because of that, when shit happens I fix it"- He justifies.

After a couple of minutes, I finally find what I was looking for, so, I connect my laptop to it, and start downloading all the files to a safe pen drive.

This way, the person that put the virus doesn't know who touched it, or if somebody did.

While it was downloading, I look at Garrett and see him already looking at me.

"Do I have something on my face?"- I wonder arching my eyebrow.

"Why change your career path all of a sudden?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, by your cv and my search, you always wanted to be a federal agent, so why settle for a company?"

"More money"- I answer almost immediately while shrugging my shoulders.

"But wouldn't it be more thrilling?"

"Maybe... But probably too tiring and it's a 24/7 thing, and I don't want to overthink things."

He makes a 'Uhm' sound and moves on so I do the same thing and fake like I'm fixing something.

"Found something!"- Garrett calls

"What is it?"

I leave the laptop and go towards him.

"This is switched"- He explains while pointing to two cables.

"Do we need to find out why?"

"Nah... I don't think it's that important... maybe one guy needed to switch them for something they were working on."- Garrett explains.

"Alrighty then".

I agree and move back to my laptop to find all the files downloaded. I leave the virus still there so that nobody suspects that other people know and disconnect the laptop.

After we check that everything else was good, we leave the room and get ready to go home.

Garrett locks the door behind us, and I start my way to my car so that I could leave.

"See you tomorrow"- I call and open my car.

"I'll be waiting"

"For what?"

"The call you owe me"- He screams seeing as he was far away.

"Not happening"- I call back as I get into my car.

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