n i n e

7 2 0

January 2019

Los Angeles


After a rough couple of weeks, I had the weekend off, or a weekend where I didn't have anything important to investigate.

So, me thinking that it was going to be a good day, I got up happily even after not finding my phone in my bedside table.

When I had the courage to go downstairs, I heard Faith talking and laughing with somebody. Following that sound, I found myself at the doorway of the kitchen where Faith was talking on my phone with some unknown person.

I fake coughed and got Faith to look at me. When she found my eyes, I arched my eyebrow as to ask "WTF do you think you are doing?".

"Oh! Madison is up! Good morning, my best friend!"- Faith exaggerates.

"You do know that you only say that when you are hiding something, right?"- I respond and that drives the person on the other side of the call laugh.

Why do I recognize that laugh??

"Who are you talking to?"- I ask

"Oh! most definitely not your future-boyfriend!"

"I still have no idea who you are talking about"- I answer almost gagging to the word 'boyfriend'.

"Okay, I'll make sure that she calls you later."- Faith speaks to the other person.

I roll my eyes and wait for her to hang up so that I can question her on what she was doing or thinking.

"Before you say anything, I found his number on your trousers when I was putting them in the washing machine."

"ARGH! Why did you call him then??!!"- I snap.

"Because I knew you wouldn't do it!"

I was about to respond but she beat me to it.

"Is he the guy that is better than your boss?"

"I'm just going to ignore what you said and go back upstairs."

I grab my phone and go back upstairs to waste my time so that I don't have to talk to her or she forgets about this, which she probably won't.

"Don't forget to call him!"

I close my door harshly so that she can understand to leave me alone.

I ignore what she said and move to my bed sitting on it against the headboard, I unlock my phone and see the number she called saved as Hot dude with a heart emoji.

I roll my eyes reading the name and text him.


Ignore Faith, she can be a bitch when she wants to.

Hot dude

I think she is incredibly funny


You might need to check your ears then

I leave it at that locking my phone and put it down somewhere on my bed and go back downstairs since I was starting to feel bored of doing anything interesting.

"So... This you call him yet?"- I hear Faith as soon as my feet hit the last step

"JESUS WOMAN!"- I yell while jumping in the air almost falling on my butt.

"Oops"- She answers not looking one bit sorry for me.

"What do you want to do today?"- I ask her when I call down.

"Harry Potter marathon?"- She suggests

"It's always that!"- I complain a bit.

But as always I end up giving up because I don't want her to be pissed off first thing in the morning. Luckily, she already had her coffee so she didn't give much of a fight, expect the puppy eyes.

"You know that I never say no to you"- I start. "Especially in the mornings"

"And that's why Francis is coming here to watch it with us"


"Yes, Our boss put us together again"- She explains, clearly annoyed.

Here's why:

Our boss first put them as a team, but what he didn't realize is that they totally don't get along. Never did, never will...

After a few complaints from our co-worker, he separated them and they started working on their own or with other teams... But apparently they are back as partners.

Here's the thing, I don't know if they clash because they like each other or they completely hate each other.

People do say that there's a thin line between hate and love.

___ ____ ____

We didn't have to wait long for Francis, and because Faith was still bringing the snack in the living room, me and Francis had time to catch up on life, or cases - because those are our lives-.

He and Faith were working with another department on a drug case and I explain my difficulty on my case.

The main one: Making up lies on the spot. I was never good at those, and I think that ever will. That is why they didn't change anything about my life before the FBI. Most of my connections were made before the agency accepted me.

Even then, some excuses are hard to create, because you also have to make up what made THAT happen.

I came back to real life when Faith put the first movie one.

Here's the thing. I only watch these movies because she does, she loves them while I don't find them interesting but because we share a house, we have to compromise sometimes.

Doing the math, we could watch all 8 movies until the day ends, with no breaks but those might change because of the pee or snack restock breaks.

____ ____ ______

That was basically how that day went for us, but what surprised me more was that Faith fell asleep on Francis and Francis on her. When I noticed that, it was already almost 7 pm, so I quickly took a picture of them and went to grab something substantial to eat.

And that was surprising because of what I said before but mostly because Faith doesn't really sleep easily. She must have been really tired to be able to fall asleep on somebody that she supposedly hates.

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