t h i r t e e n

5 2 0

After talking to my <<stalker>>, I enter my home, seeing that I was alone since I couldn't hear Faith walking around, like usual.

Noticing that it was still early, I went to my study, to match virtual/hacking signatures.

I turn the computer on and load the virus' code, that I already deciphered. After that was done, I put up every person's signature that I found and started to look through them, with the help of a software that I created for these things, but I also prefer to look through them because machines are not advanced enough to know human intent.

This process took about 30 to 45 minutes, which was pretty fast compared with the amount of data. At the end of the research, there were 5 matches: Jessica, Jack, the department boss, Ruben Mark (security) and...


I definitely was NOT expecting that. I didn't even think that that was a possibility.

I guess the IT boss makes sense because he needs to be able to help people with different types of programming.

The security guy, I don't know, because I'm not sure where he would need to hack/program something.

I stay in shock for a while but snap out of it when I realize that it got pretty dark while I was in here, so, I make dinner and go to bed.

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