Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
|Bruises only mean trouble|

Leanna Russel

The smell of the flowers finds my nose as I look over to my desk to see the fresh bouquet there, the flowers already in a pretty glass vase with water inside it. The scent makes this place feel alive and also makes me feel like I'm outside in nature, sitting in a flowery field filled with colors and blooms all over and not sitting in the brown leather chair with one of my leg crossed over the other one and a chart in one of my hand and a pencil in the other one. The chart carries a couple of papers, some are filled out while others are blank.

A buzzing sound is heard from outside my office door and soon the door opens. Standing up and smiling at the person that walks inside. "Mr. Hastings, welcome back" I greet when he's escorted inside. Chains on his wrists that are connected around his stomach and go all the way down to his ankles jingle as he is being taken inside my office. He doesn't speak as the guards that brought him here chain him to the identical brown chair that I sit in, but the other one is build to be able to hold prisoners.

The guards soon leave after I nod to them and the door closes. "I don't like them" Mr. Hastings says to me and I giggle. "You're not the first one and I'm sure you're not the last one to think that" I tell him and he chuckles at me. "But now that you're getting released tomorrow you won't have to see them again" I remind him and he smiles to me. Mr. Hastings has been in prison for ten years, though I've only been his psychologist for a little over a year. "Maybe..." He says.

I raise an eyebrow at his answer and write down what I said and his answer. "What will you do once you're out?" I ask him and he readjusts himself in the chair and it is clear that the chains annoy him as they do me too. He shrugs and looks at the clock to see that it is only just a little over ten in the morning. "Since this is the last session that we'll be having, I will be the first one to tell you that you've made progress. I remember when you came in here the first time, do you remember?" I ask him and he regretfully nods his head.

"When thinking back, don't you think you've come so far?" I ask him and once again he nods. "Sometimes all people need is a way to know that there is kindness inside them and they need to be shown that" I tell him. "You've shown me more than that, Dr. Russell" He says and I give him a kind smile. "I did not do anything, it was all you. Taking responsibility for your actions and understanding them and making peace with what you've done. It was all inside you, all you needed to do was to find it" I tell him.

Jasper Hastings was a violet person who attacked everyone and everything but now he's a sweetheart, only because he was given a change by someone who doesn't see the wrongs that he has done but does see the good that lives inside him, the good that other people don't see for their judgment. "There is a program that allows you to find somewhere to work after being released out of jail. It's still in trial bases but for the past couple of months people coming out of this place seems to be happy with the jobs they're given. I could get in touch with them for you, if you wanted to" I say.

Seeing his face brighten when I say that, I write down on the paper that he's happy to go back into the life outside this place and join society once again. "I would like that. Thank you, Dr. Russell" He says with a cherry voice but then he frowns and I raise an eyebrow at him and look at his face to see that he's looking at the flowers behind me on the desk. I turn to look at them too and smile.

"A gift from my fiancé" I only tell him and his lips curl up into a smirk. "He's a lucky man" He tells me and I nod my head. "Yes, I suppose he is" I whisper but then I collect myself as this is still work. "Now, there are sad news that I hate to be the bearer of" I say and his eyes darken. "What is it?" He asks me and I can see that he's holding back going into his rage. "Calm down, Mr. Hastings, it's all right. Remember our no rage methods?" I ask him but more like reminded him.

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