Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
|Striking a deal|

Leanna Russel

Tired beyond tired I walk into the prison after Adam drove me there and I was thankful that if was night and there wasn't any traffic to go through and we got here pretty quick. I can barely keep myself awake but I need to do it for what I heard Mr. Cordero say to me shocked me to the core and it brought nothing but shivers down my spine. "Dr. Russell?" A man asks that I can only assume is Mr. Cordero. "Do you want him brought to your office or do you wish to speak to him in his cell?" He asks me.

I can tell that he's almost going to rip out his own hair from this situation. "My office would be best for Moore privacy to get to the bottom of this and make sure that nothing happens" I tell him and with only a nod he dials a number on his phone but I don't hear his conversation for I am walking to my office to make everything ready for a session that I did not know I would be having today or tonight or exactly the clock is after midnight which means that it is another day.

I'm so confused and so tired that I can't even think straight and I'm only confusing myself even further. I sit down on my brown leather chair and I do everything that I can to not fall asleep in it because it is quite comfortable to sit in and when one is tired one can sleep anywhere no matter how uncomfortable or comfortable it is. Looking outside the window to see the pitch black sky and the beauty that the stars are showing with their glow and how the half moon is as graceful as ever and it stands there proudly.

Then door opens and more than ten guards are bringing Silas inside but he only has this dark murderous look on his face that sends shivers up and down my whole body. Silas does not look tired at all, in fact he looks like he has just slept the best night of his life and woken up refreshed. "Do you wish to have a guard with you or do yo-" Mr. Cordero begins to speak but is cut off. "She will be alone!" Silas speaks. His voice sends this authority that I've never heard before.

I notice that Mr. Cordero is almost shaking in fear as he nods and he and the guards leave me alone in the office with Silas in the middle of the night. I look at him, studying for a while. My eyes are too tired to notice anything important as I only want to sleep. "Why did you ask for me?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes. "I did not ask for you, I ordered for you to be brought here" He speaks. It would appear that he is rather grumpy but there is always a way to put a smile on the face.

Perhaps not his face... anyway, moving on... "Ordered? I don't think you understand how prison works" I softly tell him as I would not want to make him any more angry than he already is since that would not be a good idea. Chuckling he leans back. His tattooed arm goes into view and while I can't tell what they are there is this hidden beauty in them. "No, my dear, this prison is only temporary and they should do exactly as I say before I lose my temper and trust me..." He says as he looks at me dead in the eyes.

"You don't want to see that, it might get ugly" He whispers. His rough voice sending shivers up and down my whole body and that is enough to wake me up completely and all the tiredness just goes away when I look into is hollow kohl black eyes. Clearing my throat and breaking the eye contact I adjust myself in the chair. "When you say 'this prison is only temporary' what does that mean exactly?" I ask him as I have been writing down what he says.

Smirking and giving me a dark look. "Figure that out on your own" He says in a challenging voice but I am in no mood to go up against him. Somehow he does scare me yet not at the same time and perhaps it is the lack of sleep but am just too confused to think straight. "I was told that you threatened them with a bomb, is that correct?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes. "Are you going to keep asking me questions as if I were a child?" He asks me. The gaze that he gives me makes me feel uneasy but still something else.

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