Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
|Jumped on|

Leanna Russel

Thursday, be ready.

That was all the note said and it was addressed to me but I don't understand it. Not once bit. Why would I not be ready on Thursday. I'm ready every day. Shaking my head I walk over to the trash and throw away then note. Whatever he wants to tell me, he can say it to me myself and not write it down on a note that I may or may not see since it was in a s spot that was hard for me to see and it was close that I wouldn't see it at all but I did notice it.

I could've gone on with my life without knowing that this note was even there at all so thus really doesn't have any impact on my life. I'm sure Silas just needs to tell me something but didn't know how to say the words. Some find it better to write down the words want to say or the emotions that they feel because they simply can't express themselves differently and perhaps that is happening with Silas. But I will find all of this out on Thursday when my next session is with him.

Collecting myself I go to my desk to put away his folder and take the next one up as I have a session in a couple of minutes and I need to be ready for him. Like Silas I have a new patient that isn't exactly happy about being here, he's more on the aggressive side but I think that is because no one has been gentle with him and he doesn't know anything else. The door opens and two guards walk inside with him in chains and it always feels strange when they bring someone that is in chains.

I had gotten so used to Silas wearing no chains that I had forgotten that he is the only one that doesn't have to be in those chains. He put him on the other brown leather chair and then they leave after nodding at me and the two of us are alone. I sit down on own chair and smile at him which makes him even grumpier. That reminds me only of Silas but I can feel that I'm winning over him. This man however glares at me which I'm starting to believe is his natural face since he seems to always be glaring at me and anyone else for that matter.

"Have you ever tried smiling?" I ask him and he groans but I'm not giving up on him. He has told me that he doesn't like therapist but doesn't want to tell me why. I've already figured out that is the reason why he's so grumpy every time I see him but the reason behind it is still unknown to me. "Smiling can be a good way to improve the self-esteem. When feeling down, smiling can be the thing that keeps you up" I tell him but he doesn't say anything.

Like Silas he doesn't like sharing but that doesn't stop me from trying but not too much because I can't overwhelm him. He's also a lot like Silas in the way that he doesn't want to speak that much but unlike Silas who has started to speak more openly now, this one doesn't want to speak that much but he has said a few things. Mainly cursed at me and said he doesn't like therapist and yes, I think, that about covers the things that he has said which for a normal person that isn't anything but to me that means a lot.

The cursing part not so much but it means he has anger inside him that needs to be let out in one way or another and that way is by talking and explaining what he's feeling inside. But he's not there yet. "Is there anything you want to talk about today, I heard that you were disagreeing with your cellmate. Want to tell me what that was all about?" I ask him but he only frowns at me but the glare remains as strong and as terrifying as ever.

Before I could react he attempts to stand up and as he does that he takes my wrist into his hand and holds it tight. Pain runs through me as I try to pry my wrist away from his strong grip. His slightly long uncut fingernails dig themselves into my wrist until I can feel the blood dripping down. I bite my lips to stop myself from screaming in pain. I look into his eyes to see nothing at all, there is only darkness and it's like he isn't here at all. Gasping as I try to reach under my chair where there is a large button.

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