Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
|Strange noises|

Leanna Russel

Thursday. The day that I thought would take forever to arrive has arrived and I find myself unsure of what is going to take place today. Silas is going to do something today but I've no idea what. He did give me another note which had my name on it but nothing more. As if he was trying to remind me of something but I've no clue on what he's talking about. Adam drives me to work and as I enter the prison I feel my heart start to speed up as I'm looking everywhere.

Whatever is going to happen, I know for a fact that it can't be a good thing. Silas isn't the type that would just do something nice for someone, at least he isn't now but he will be. Soon enough he will be good. It will take some time but we'll get there. Smiling as I greet some guards and some who greet me. The people that I see every day and walk past every single day. I go to my office where I close the door and start preparing for the day but I have this feeling that I just can't shake off. A feeling that I don't even understand.

Though Silas and his strange things that are going to happen today will just have to wait, I have two sessions before he comes in for a session and one of them is the warden but he is my second session for the day. I take the folder for my first patient of the day and take out some empty papers. She's going to be a hard one as they all are but soon they will be better and they will feel much better than they did.

While I wait I lift up my sleeve to see that the bruises are still there and as ugly as ever. I don't like them very much but soon I won't have to look at them as they will fade away and soon become nothing but I don't think I can say the same about the memories of what happened. As a therapist I should be able to use the technique that I use on my patients when they don't want to be haunted by memories but it's rather hard to be the patient and a doctor at the same time.

Being broken out of my thoughts when the door opens and guards as well as my patient walk inside, she with her usual glare at me but that doesn't matter, I know she doesn't mean anything by it. She just doesn't like guards or anyone for that matter. She had a rough past but once you get to know her, she's actually kind of nice or can be when she wants to. I notice Kaden is one of the guards and he winks at me when he walks past me but doesn't say anything as he along the other one leave my office and I begin my session.

"I'm glad you could make it" I say to the warden as he sits down in the chair. It was kind of soon to take him now since he said that he might be a bit late but he's only about ten minutes too late. Though, that is all right. "I've never truly gone to a therapist before. Sounds silly when I think about it" He says but I smile and shake my head. "Not at all. Some people are afraid to ask for help but need the small push in the right direction" I tell him.

It is the truth and I think that is the case with him. He just need my help to find who he is but once he has found it, he can be the person that he is. "You've already told me a hard chapter of your past, now you just have to accept it. As scary as that sound, accepting the past is a part of healing and only then can you move on" I tell him. The first session in my opinion is the one that they are often confused at how this works.

As I don't work as most therapists do, this is new for them. "You can speak of anything here, it's a safe place. No matter how ugly you believe it to be, no one will judge you, least of all me" I tell him with a soft reassuring smile on my face. The warden does look nervous to be here, though he does try to hide it from me but it's not going that well. "My past has always been a chain hanging from me, holding me stuck to the ground when I want to move forward" He begins.

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