Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
|Jealousy or Hatred?|

Leanna Russel

The next couple of days were the same. Wake up. Eat breakfast with Adam. Go to work. See patients. Session with Silas. Complete the day. Go home and be with Adam. Repeat everything with a smile on my face that never wants to go and I don't want the smile to fade. A week has passed and it went by quicker than I can handle. My office is empty and silent and as I sit here in the silence, counting down the minutes until my session with Silas I find myself lost in thoughts.

Just sitting here and staring at nothing with only my own thoughts to keep me company but I don't mind them. They wander about everything and anything in the world that suddenly into my mind. The sun is shining into my office and lighting it up like never before and it brings warmth into my beating heart and a smile on my face. The world works in mysterious ways that not even I can explain and it has me wondering about a lot of things like how the sun can always brighten my day even when feeling down and lost. It's strange and mysterious at the same time.

As if the sun has these happy feelings that is released into the world when shining on it. I'm broken out of my thoughts when the door opens and Silas along with his guards that I've gotten to know better since they are coming here every day with him (except for Wednesdays) and sometimes one of them starts a small conversation with me if they're early which I've noticed are every single day. While the guards take Silas' chains off, Kaden comes to me, he's the guard that likes to talk to me.

"Tomorrow I'm going to have lunch at the same time as you, care to join me for lunch?" He asks me. I smile at him and nod, seeing no reason why I should not. Kaden has become my friend over the days that have passed and I actually enjoy talking to him. "That would be great" I tell him but not once does my smile leave my face. "Great, I will see you then" He says as he begins to walk out of my office and I smile as he leaves and closes the door behind up. When I turn around I jump when I notice that Silas is so close to me and glaring into my skull.

It brings shivers running down my spine because of the way that he's looking at me and it's an angry look. My heart falls when he just stares at me like that. It is as if he's trying to bring me down with his mind. "Silas, are you all right?" I ask him and he looks into my eyes but not once does the glare disappear as he does that and it makes me feel uneasy and frightened for some reason.

"I don't like him" He says. His dark husky voice makes me shiver and my knees start to go jelly. I walk over to my brown leather chair and sit down before my knees would give up. I raise an eyebrow at Silas as my face grows puzzled. "That is understandable, prisoners don't tend to be fond of their guards" I say to him but he sharply shakes his head as he walks over to the window and stands there facing me. Blocking the sunlight from shining on me as he stands there. He rolls his eyes as he looks at me, his eyes however do soften a bit.

"How can you not see what he's trying to do?" He asks me as if he can't even believe this and it only brings me further into confusion. Silas has become more open but there is still something holding him back and he still is defensive about a lot of things but I have noticed that he always wants to know something about me and my life. "He's joining me for lunch, is there a problem in that? Kaden is my co-worker and my best friend will be there so I don't get what he's trying to do" I ask him.

He lightly shakes his head and groans. "You're.... ugh..." He says, not able to from the words that he wanted to say and I'm more confused than I could ever be. "All right, let's just move on. Yesterday we talked about how you feel trapped in your life. Can you explain more about that?" I ask him as I'm ready to write down anything that he says. He did not speak much about it yesterday as he told me that his life and his duty has him trapped and did not go any further.

Sessions With Guns  ¹ ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora