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I go to my room, wanting everyone to leave me alone already.
But before I can even enter, a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"What do you want Taehyung." I say, already knowing what the familiar feeling of his hand felt like.

"Do you really not like me?" He asks.
My eyebrows shoot up and I turn around. I face him and his heads low, shoulders sagged.

"Pardon?" I ask confused.
"Yesterday, you said you didn't like me twice, do you really not?"
He said and my eyes widened.

So he followed me and heard, but what do I tell him??!!

"That, I did say that, but it's not what you think." I say finally, after I stood in shock for a few seconds.
"How so?" He asks bitterly.

"I was trying to convince myself that I didn't like you.............................like a lover." I say, laughing nervously.

I feel the sadness radiating off of him.
"Oh." Is what he says, before he lets me go and turns away from me, walking sadly down the halls, turning a corner so I couldn't see him anymore.

I pull my hair and sigh.
I don't know why I said that to him in the first place. I do like him, but I don't know if I'm ready to say that.

With those thoughts in my head I close the door behind me after I enter the room, walking towards my bed and flopping on it.

I ignore the pile of dirt right beside my door, not feeling like it's my responsibility to clean up behind someone else when they should do it their fucking selves.

My face was on its side, my eyes trained on the plain wall thinking about what I should do with my problems.

I like Taehyung and he likes me, but I can't admit I like him.
I still have stupid nightmares, and I can't get the prophecy out of my head.
I still don't have all my strength, and that bothers me.
The others are annoyed by me, and anybody could see that.

Too many things were happening at once and I just made me want to shut everything out and just be in silence.

Also it made me want to kill myself.
But we're not going to get into that topic because if I did I would be permanently solving a problem that was only temporary.

And I would leave Taehyung and the others.
I don't want to do that.
My eyes close and I try to calm my breathing, me not realizing it started to pick up at the thought of killing myself.

If I did I wouldn't be able to avenge my mom.
She needs to be avenged.
I wouldn't be able to leave the world without doing that.

My eyes slowly started to get heavy as my thoughts became less clearer, the voices fading away as I fade into a sleeping state.


I wake up, looking at my watch, seeing that it was 3:12 pm.
I was surprised that no one bothered me, but I looked up and saw that my door was halfway open, making me take back that thought.

I sit up and rub my eyes, feeling super lazy.
Through all this laziness I start to recall my childhood, and how it was filled with happy smiles and laughter, before Jack, Sarah, and I decided to go to the woods.

I remember my smile, the bunny tooth smile that always appeared on my face every few minutes, props to me being happy all the time, happy with no problems.

Oh how I wish for me to have that innocence back, for how I wish that my problems would go away, how I wish that I just could smile so easily like I used to.

I really wish for it.

But I can't turn back time, and that it was reality, having to be stuck here until I move forwards, never moving backwards.

With that thought in mind, I get out of bed, my laziness gone.
My stomach growled extra loud, remembering I didn't eat earlier.

It was kind of stupid of me to leave without eating, but I was too caught up in what Hoseok said to really think in the moment.

When I arrive no one is in sight, so I take to the fridge and I grab snacks, putting them on the table after I fully close it, digging in once my ass is suck to a seat.

I finish two bags full of bagels, and a soda, with some left over strawberries that I saw in there.
I sit there dazed, the feeling of the food in my mouth still on my tongue, making the presence of someone else unknown to me as I'm too focused on the food.

I freeze.
It was Taehyung, and boy was I not ready.
He really catches me at the wrong time.

"So bro, how've you been."
He said, and that made me cringe super hard. In my face and in my body.

I turn to him.
"Don't ever say that to me ever again."
"Bro?" He asks.
I nod.
"But we're friends right?"

"Yeah.........but uh, I don't want to be called bro."
There was a moment of silence.
I sigh.
"Taehyung.....please take a seat, I need to talk to you." I say.
He doesn't speak, but he walks across from me, taking a seat and facing me.

I can clearly see how rough he looks.
His hair is tousled, I can't see his blue streaks because of how messy his hair looks.

His clothes are thrown on, they're messy and unorganized. He had bags under this eyes, and his expression shows sadness, especially his eyes.

I really am a dick.
I bite my lip, not knowing what to say.
But the words I've been meaning to say finally come out of my mouth.

"It's not true."
He looks at me warily.
"What I said. I do like you, and not as a friend."
His eyes light up.
"Why didn't you say something earlier Jungkook?"

"I, I was honestly scared, and I don't know why. When I could've said it, the words wouldn't come out because I hadn't really accepted the fact that I like you, but, but I have now. So I'm sorry for causing you to cry and to make you feel unwanted."

He looks at me with a smile, and gets up, walking to my side to pull me into a hug.
The black marble of the kitchen table dug into my side as I hugged him back tightly, not wanting to let go.

After I do, we both just stare at each other, not knowing what to say.
My gaze then turns to the ground, getting shy as Taehyung's eyes never move off of me.

My cheeks grow warm and he starts to laugh, fuck I really love his laugh.
He pulls my head up by my chin, and he leans in.

"You make me feel feelings I've never felt before Jeon Jungkook."
He says, and presses his lips against mine.

His arms lock around my waist, while mine lock around his neck.
I stand up for better access, grabbing onto his hair as pleasure goes through my body as his tongue slips into my mouth.

We move and my back touches a wall, giving me support as I start to suck on his bottom lip, his cold hands going up my shirt making me shiver.

He moans against my mouth, his voice deep and low as he grabs onto my ass, gripping it while he starts to kiss down my neck.

"You shouldn't be giving a show you know." A voice that sounds like Yoongi says making me freeze.

He pulls away from me and clears his throat, while I just slowly fix my shirt and pants, not as embarrassed as Taehyung as his face is bright red.

"Well maybe you guys shouldn't have watched and moved on with your lives."
I say, making Taehyng look at me in shock.

Yoongi breaks out into a grin, shaking his head at me.
"I'm glad you're feeling better Taehyung, you too Jungkook." Namjoon says, making me feel a warm feeling in my chest.

I smile at him, while Taehyung leaves my side to talk to Namjoon alone.
As Namjoon and Taehyung are talking, the others are bickering, over if Coke of Dr. Pepper was better.

I was glad that I had them.



(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now