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The others are now facing me again, expressions of fear and confusion on their faces.
Just like the dream.......

My head felt fuzzy.
I also felt something being stuck into my neck, making me spaz.
I fall to the ground, white foam coming out of my mouth as I shake violently.

Jimin yells, running to my side.
Yoongi growls in anger, snapping the hunters neck with his eyes in a matter of seconds.
Jimin is now looking at me with tears in his eyes, my head laid down on his lap, my vision blurry.

I pick my hand up, pointing a severely shaking finger toward the corner of the room, behind where Namjoon and Jin stood.

"Why-why am I in a hospital gown?" I ask, my eyes landing back on Jimin.
He looks at me terrified, looking back at the spot and to me.

"Jungkook, there's nobody there...."
I look at him stupidly.
"You're wrong, I'm right there, b-blood flowing out of m-m-m-my h-h-he-head......."
I try to convince him, but his eyes get filled even more tears.

"That's not real Jungkook, that's not real, you're not real, you're not real...."
Jimins voice started to waver in my head, making my clench my eyes shut, my body still shaking, but now softly.

I'm taken out of Jimin's lap, and I'm set on the floor, everyone hovering over me.
"My god, we should've listened to him....." Hoseok said regretedly.

"We're so sorry Jungkook, so so sorry......" Hoseok sobbed on my shoulder.
I couldn't process what was happening, so I patted his shoulder, not knowing what else to do.

That's when all of us hear a clicking sound.
The others turn, but I didn't, not having enough strength to, but I did catch what was being said.

"You fucker!! What did you just do?!!!" Jin yelled.
An unfamiliar voice started to speak, startling me on how deep it was.
"I set off a bomb. You guys are going to burn to ashes like the filth you are, don't be so sure that you'll escape!!"

The voice cackled, and I could feel the grip Hoseok had on me tighten profusely, but it didn't bother me- my arms and legs having already gone numb.

My gaze was on them, watching as black streaks traveled through my blood stream, making me slightly chuckle, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You're all going to die by my hands..." I whispered through my cracked lips.
I felt Taehyung's gaze against my face, but I couldn't react, my emotions slowly fading away, only leaving my sadness behind.

"Baby....." Taehyung whispers.
While the others were yelling at the new hunters, I drowned them out, my focus on Taehyung who took me away from Hoseok's hold, who got up to join the others.

"I'm so sorry baby, I was wrong, I was so so wrong I'm sorry...." He said, tears in his eyes as he rocked me back and forth on his knees.
"I-not- It-not your fault, don't, don't worry..."
I whispered.

But that only made him tear up more.
"You are so strong, stronger than you were when you first came to our old house, I'm so proud you made it this far, I'm so proud."

I chuckle.
"It's not like-I'm d-die right??"
I say, trying to be funny, but failing miserably.
He hangs his head low.
"But we are, and you're going to turn into a monster. If we only believed you sooner this-"

I shush him with a groan.
"Are you ok??" He asks panicked.
"It's not your fault, it would've happened anyway-just-different way-can't change fate. Never-will change it."

He looks away, bitting his lip harshly as he trembles.
"I love you...." He whispers.
"I Love you toO.."
He smiles a sad smile, leaning down to kiss my forehead, brushing my hair off of my forehead in a calming manner.

The yelling got louder, so I paid attention to it, feeling my energy slowly come back.
I was confused, but didn't question it.
"Damnit!! What are we going to do!!"
"I don't know Jin, but we have to leave before the bomb goes off."

"How do we even know the time!???? We also don't even know where it is!! We're fucked!! We're going to die before Jungkook gets the chance to kill us!!"

"Jungkook's not killing us!!!, nor are we dying if we think!! So stop- freaking-out!!"
Jin goes silent, a sigh coming from his lips to calm him down.

"Ok, I'll try not to panic, but honestly, what's the plan?"
"First, we should try to break the windows with our superpowers. Even if they did something to them, it won't outmatch all of our powers together.

Also, the bomb may be in that special room from which the hunters fled from. That would be logical since this is an empty space, and would be hard to hide a bomb."

"But what if it's invisible?"
Everyone turns to me, shocked to see me speaking.
I sit up, shaking my head a bit as it rings slightly.
"You're, you're okay Jungkook!!" Yoongi says, slight joy in his expression.

"I guess." I say, fully standing up with a few grunts.
"My head feels like shit......" I whisper, blinking my eyes a few times.

Everyone looks relieved.
"Back to your question Jungkook, I don't think that people who wield invisibility are able to keep something invisible for that long, and without their presence."

"But what if they're hear also invisible? I mean, they could be like that couple over there."
I pointed to the dead duo.

"Maybe they also have those things like they did, and are under orders to keep the bomb hidden or they'll die, even though if it sets off they'll die too."
I explain to them, feeling my energy coming back at an abnormal pace, confusing me.

"Yeah, but how will we lure the supernatural out? I mean, the hunters could be watching from somewhere else." Taehyung says, making the others nod in mutual understanding.

"Well what if we just have them stop the bomb without going visible? I mean, the hunters can't see them, nor the bomb, and they wouldn't have a button since there's a timer, so we could convince them to do that."

"That's great Jungkook, but, but the person may kill themselves on purpose, leaving us to die in here without no escape."

"But- AHH!!"
I felt pain in my stomach, causing me to hunch over, my teeth gritted.
"Jungkook!!" I could hear the footsteps of Jimin getting closer.

"Stay back!! Just, just stay back!! I don't want you guys getting anymore hurt!! So please, please just stay back..."
My voice stared to become a whisper, pain flooding me like water, moving fast through my veins and blood.

I grunted, feeling the need to throw up- but nothing would come out.
I felt my fangs start to sting, and I knew what was coming.

"I'm- I'm so sorry guys, I'm so sorry...."

And then, it started.



(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now