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Taehyung and I eventually find the others. They still didn't notice that we weren't behind, so we didn't bother them with the information about what just happened.

While I wasn't paying attention, Taehyung quickly kissed me.
My ears turned red and I turned away from him, a little embarrassed for some reason.

"Guys!! I think we found a way out. I'm following the pathway that we used earlier, and it seems to be working." Namjoon announces.

" Really?!" The others ask, joyful. But I knew that we couldn't escape fate, so I didn't bother showing joy at all.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Taehyung asks me.
"You know why. No point in getting excited over something that everyone knows we can't achieve."

Taehyung sighs.
"I know Jungkook, we all know, but we do want to have a little hope before we go. Is that too much to ask?"

"No...."I said stupidly.
"If it's not then, let us be able to hope that we'll make it out."
He says, and he grabs ahold of my arm, pulling me closer to the group.

We walk for a few minutes, and then we suddenly hear a bunch of shouting.
"Looks like we have company!!" Jin says.

The others start to activate their abilities, while I just stood there, still discouraged.
I sighed to myself.
I shouldn't be thinking like this. I don't want the others to die. So I, I should try to keep them safe.

Even if it's impossible, I need to try.
The shouting grows even louder, soon reaching the hall in front of us.
I channel my abilities into my hands, making them glow a bright white, electricity flowing from it.

"There they are!! Those bastards!!"
A hunter yelled, turning the corner to where we were, only a few yards away from them.
"Get ready." Namjoon says, and we all nod at his statement.

The hunters charge at us, guns in their hands along with cannons, surprising me.
"Won't those cannons destroy the building?!!" I ask alarmed.

"I think they're try to trap us inside so that we die from suffocation." Hoseok answers, making my eyes widen.

"Well damn..." I say in disbelief.
"They really are some nasty fuckers. Doesn't matter if we supposedly killed their ansestors, they're playing dirty."

The others nod at what I said, turning their attention back to the hunters in front of us.
"On the count of three Yoongi, use you're telekinesis to take control of their cannons and bring them to us, and Jin, use your abilities to create a wall in between us so we can get out of here quicker.

Hoseok, stay nearby so that you can heal any of us if we get hurt. Jimin, guard Hoseok since he doesn't have an offensive ability."

Jimin nods, shuffling over to Hoseok so he was in front of him, while Jin and Yoongi moved forward, their hands held out.

The hunters sneered at us, loading up their guns and cannons, making Namjoon panic as he turns to me.

"Jungkook you protect everyone overall since I'm going to leave and take Taehyung with me to find an exit. Once I find one I'll use my ability to contact you all and lead you to it.

Try and hurry up with eliminating them ok?!!" Namjoon said hurriedly, making us all nod our heads.

Taehyung smiles at me, before Namjoon grabs his hand and they both run off, down the other end of the hallway and out of sight.

"Don't let those monsters get away!! Catch them!!" My eyes immediately train on the two hunters that nodded, slowly walking behind the others, ready to take off to find the others.

I quickly run to the front, shooting out my electricity to stop the guys from getting away.
It reaches them, and in a fast swift motion they're on the ground in shock.

Their supposed captain turns to me, giving me a big sneer, before he yells.
That's when Jin and Yoongi barge in.
I start to shoot my electricity and water at the people with guns, while Yoongi's hands started to shake violently, the heavy cannons stopping open fire as it was under Yoongi's control.

The cannons swiftly sped towards us, stopping right in front of Yoongi.
That's when he let control of it, the cannons shooting at the hunters instead.

Yoongi then got ahold of the guns, pulling them towards us, them falling right at our feet.
Jin then takes over, raising his hands above his head, making the walls on either side of us start to crumble.

We back up, taking the guns with us, but leaving the cannons behind,
The cannons got crushed, some of the heavy rocks falling onto the weak metal.

Rocks started to form a line in between us, piling onto each other more and more.
Once it was highly enough so that no one could pass, Jin brings his hands down, making the rocks immediately stop falling.

Out of breath Jin turns around the rest of us.
"Lets go find the others." He says.
We all turn around, going down the hallway that Taehyung and Namjoon took off down.

After a few minutes, I hear a voice.


We all turn to each other, realizing that Namjoon was contacting us all at once.

We didn't find an exit, and we ran into some trouble. Follow the sound of my voice. The closer you get the louder it is. Taehyung is hurt, please hurry.

My eyes widened at the last sentence.
We looked at each other worriedly, before we all nodded, listening to Namjoon talking and saying random things to us, following the sound of his voice.

Once we're close enough, he stops talking.
"That's weird, they may have faced some really bad trouble."

We were all facing double doors, windows not being on it so we couldn't see anything past it.
Then suddenly, we all heard Taehyung scream.

My eyes widened and I immediately went to go push the door open angrily, but Yoongi's pale but large hand stopped me.

"It could be trapped, we have to be careful about this." Yoongi says.
I nod, knowing he was right in my head, but my other hand shook.

I clenched it into a fist, not wanting to be seen as weak.
We all silently look at each other, and then Jin signals me.

I nod, knowing what we were about to do.
Yoongi, without using his hands but with his eyes, opens the double doors slowly.

We then get a clear view of what was inside the room.

Namjoon, he, he looked horrible.
Namjoon was on his knees, face full of cuts while he had a bruised eye and lip.
His clothes were torn, and he looked to be past out.

A hand was around his throat, the hand of a hunter, a hunter who had a sickly grin on his face.

Taehyung was also in bad shape. His clothes were also torn, cuts and bruises on his face, but his shoulder was also bleeding. It was bleeding badly.

Out of anger I raise my hand and shoot my fire at the hunter, making him turn just in time for it to hit his face.

He screams, letting go of Namjoon hurriedly, clawing at his face as it was slowly melting.
We rush inside towards them, seeing that their weren't any set traps.

I immediately run to Taehyung, grabbing onto his bleeding shoulder, wondering what to do.
Hoseok then comes over, pushing me gently out of the way, placing his hand on Taehyung, starting to heal him.

The others brought Namjoon over, trying to bring him back to conscious.
We were all worried after Hoseok fixed Taehyung up and started on Namjoon, seeing as he made no movement to get up.

But after a few seconds, Namjoon started to cough, making everyone close their eyes in relief.
What they weren't expecting though, was for Namjoon to try and push them out of the space they were in.

"Namjoon??!" I ask alarmed.
"Don't!! They're going to-"
And that's when suddenly, it was dark.



(Completed) Book 1: Taken//Bts Supernatural AuWhere stories live. Discover now