Lock You Up

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Being kidnapped is surely a traumatic experience for everyone. It's only rational that the victim will try to escape because who would want to be locked up, right? Anyone who would want to stay is probably mental.

It's me, I'm mental.

I didn't want to stay because I liked it here. No, it was depressing. I wanted to stay because this man was intriguing. I wanted to find out who he is because the things I know about him are suspicious and I don't want to believe that's him.

Also, if I manage to see his face and find out who he is I will be able to tell the police and they will catch him easily.

The door opened and he walked in holding a tray of food.

I was getting tired of eating in bed. It just wasn't comfortable.

"Um can I-can we-Do you want to eat together? In the kitchen?" I asked a little embarrassed.

Who is he? Your family? There's no point in eating together.

I noticed him smile through the mask, "Of course. I'll be right back" He said and left not forgetting to lock the door.

Why did he seem happy? What's wrong with this man? Is he really an obsessed stalker?

He said he wouldn't hurt me, I'll hold on to that.

The next time he came in with empty hands and he gestured for me to get up and follow him and so I did.

This was the first time I was seeing more of the house and I had to say, it was beautiful and had a cozy feeling to it.

He'd put my food on the table but there was none for him.

"Won't you eat?" I asked as he stared out the window.

"I already did" He said, "I didn't know you'd want this" He said with a chuckle before clearing his throat and going back to his normal emotionless self.


I was in the shower standing under the hot water. Shower was always an escape for me. It's like I left all my problems behind and I could just relax for a few minutes. Like nothing else existed.

Girl it isn't that deep-

This time though it wasn't the same. This time all I could think about was him.

Could Ryder be Ryder? My Ryder? He wasn't mine anymore.

That probably sounds confusing.


I walked home crying silently. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want them to see I was crying, but the hot tears wouldn't stop rolling down my cheeks.

There is this older kid, his age is fifteen and he is so sick he tried to touch me even though he doesn't even know me. Not to mention I am only thirteen.

Luckily, I was able to get away before he did anything. He only got to grope me and tried to kiss me.

I felt disgusted.

Unfortunately I couldn't avoid someone seeing me.

I saw Ryder walking towards me. Ryder is my neighbor and my best friend ever since I remember myself.

He was four years older but he was like another older brother to me, since mine never gave me much attention even though Ryder and he were classmates and best friends.

"Hey-" He trailed off as soon as he saw my face.

He kneeled down, since he was really tall and I was short, and cupped my face wiping away my tears, "What happened sweetheart?" He asked concerned.

I couldn't help it. I don't know if it was his warm hands on my face or his worried expression but I started sobbing.

"Aww come here my girl" He chuckled and hugged me, "Did anyone hurt you?"

I couldn't help but sob harder.

He immediately pulled away and stared at me with a murderous look.

"What happened?" He asked. I felt like it wasn't even a question. He demanded to know.

I told him what happened and he  paused for a few seconds with a scary look on his face.

"Please don't hurt him Ryder" I said, "You don't have to"

"I want to. I want to do it so much" He said in a husky voice.

"Please Ryder don't" I said.

Violence wasn't the answer. That boy didn't even get to do anything really bad after all.

"You're too good for this world Amara" He said shaking his head, "Sometimes I wish I could lock you up so I could protect you" He mumbled.

That night I saw him coming home with blood knuckles. That kid never dared come close to me or look at me again. He looked terrified everytime he saw me.

*End of flashback*

"Are you okay?" I heard him yell from outside the bathroom, "You've been in there for a long time" He said.

"Yes, I'm coming" I said getting out of the shower.

Sometimes I wish I could lock you up so I could protect you.

Could this-

I found myself hitting the floor with a thud. I forgot how slippery it was.

"Are you okay!?" He asked concerned, banging on the door.

"Y-yeah! I just fell. I'm okay" I said and wrapped myself up in a towel before coming out of the bathroom.

"Can I check?" He asked.

I couldn't see his features but I could tell he was concerned.

He kneeled down checking my knees which made me quite uncomfortable.

"Why do you care?" I asked out of the blue.

He looked up at me, "Of course I care" He said.

"Why? You don't know me. Or do you?" I raised an eyebrow.

He stood up and sighed, "Just go to your room"

"No, I want you to tell me who you are"

"No and that's final" He said raising the tone of his voice.

At that moment I realized I was taking it too far. This was a kidnapper. I shouldn't push him or else he might hurt me.

I lowered my head and mumbled, "I'm sorry"

He didn't move for a few seconds but took in a deep breath.

I was almost sure that was him and it was weird. Knowing he's back after years and all this situation was just weird. I was so close to him yet I felt so far away.

Tomorrow I would talk to him. Tomorrow I would find out everything.

For now I would just spend the whole day in bed.

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