Chapter EIGHT

453 122 181

Alexandrea's P.O.V


"You just bumped into me and all you can do is glare instead of apologizing" I said annoyed.

"It's not my fault you were busy day dreaming on the walkway" he said back glaring at me.

Okay, he's really getting on my nerves.

"Jerk" I muttered before stomping off and him going the other way.

God! he's such a...ugh

I groaned as I continued walking and stopped by the road side to get a cab. A car stopped by me and the tinted window rolled down.

"Hey hottie. Need a ride?" A man probably in his early twenties said while checking me out.

"No thank you" I eyed him suspiciously walking further but then he started following me.

"C'mon sexy get in. Let me show you a good time." He said again licking his lips. The way he was looking at me reminded me of my father.

"No dad please don't hit her, hit me instead" I pleaded as my dad was about to hit my mom. His eyes were blood shot and he stopped considering my offer.

He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me upstairs as my mom kept in crying and begging him to leave me. He dragged me up the and into my room. He flung me on the bed and locked the door leaving my mom hitting the door. Then what he did next changed everything.

"Strip bitch" his ruthless voice made me shiver in disgust.

"What?" I asked not sure if I heard his right. He struck me across the face with a slap confirming what he asked my to do. Tears rolled down my face as I slowly took off my clothing. I reminded myself that I was doing this for my mom. So he would stop hitting her. He unbuckled his belt and-

"Babe, I'm talking- are you crying? Shit!" the man panicked before speeding off. I stood rooted to my spot. The rain calmed down a little as another car pulled in front of me. Though it was silver with black tinted windows.

"Get in" Nicholas said without looking at me.

"No!" I croaked out. His head snapped towards me about to say something but his eyes softened as he saw me.

"Uhh are you okay?" He asked awkwardly.

"I'm not getting in" I ignored his question. He didn't bother asking me again probably understanding that I didn't want to talk about it.

He sighed then got out of his car heading towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked backing away slowly. He didn't reply but threw me over his back and started walking back to his car.

"Hey! Put me down you asshole" I said trying to avoid looking at his butt and hitting him s back continuously.

"God! You're soaked!" He muttered referring to my over sized sweater.
It was practically dripping water.

"And you're a dick" I said hitting his back severally.

"You know that hurts right?" He groaned as I bit his back.

Yep. I bit him.

"It was meant to" I said as he dropped me in the front seat and locked the door walking over to the driver seat before entering then locking it back.

"You're going to get my car wet" he said looking at me.

"Well I didn't force you to put me in your car" I pouted. He took a dry grey hoodie from the backseat and handed it to me as I stared at it.

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