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Venom's P.O.V

"Has it been done?" I yelled at Danny as he flinched.

"Y-yes sir" he stammered. His fear for me just warmed my heart. What better way is to live than people's fear of you?

"Good! Now get out!" I said as I returned to what I was typing on my laptop.

"B-but what if they f-found out we killed him?" He stammered as he looked at my emotionless face.

"We? No, you killed him" I chuckled darkly.

"W-What?! But you asked me t-to!" He said and I smirked.

"You better not be telling the cops that when you end up in jail or else, I'll have your head hung in front of your mother's doorstep" I threatened and he shivered. Good!
"Now, leave!" I yelled and he shrieked as he began to make his way towards the door before stopping again.

"I-I have something to tell y-you boss" he said as he gulped.

"What? Giddy up, I have something better to do!" I yelled at him. He walked in and sat down in front of me on the chair.

"It's about Nick....I know of his plans to leave" he said smiling evilly as I mirrored his smile. Interesting...

"Tell me more...." I trailed off as he started to tell me.

Alexandrea's P.O.V

"You kissed Nick??!!" Bex and Zoey yelled at the same time after I finished telling them what happened. I bit my lip and remembered how he tasted, Cigar and grapes. I removed my lip from my teethe immediately dismissing the thought.

"I thought you liked Eli?" Bex said and Zoey agreed.

"Yeah... I don't know what happened" I said, panicking." I mean, I like Eli, a lot but the reason I kissed Nick is unknown to me" I explained.

"I think nature is trying to tell us something..." Bex winked at me as Zoey wiggled her eyebrows.

"No wonder he came home all red and fidgety" Zoey smiled knowingly at me as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know how I'll face him in school because I feel really guilty and things will be really awkward" I said as I breathed heavily. "Oh God...what have I done?" I muttered as my two best friends watch me have a mental break down.

"Calm down! Maybe you guys should just talk about it since it was a mistake" Zoey suggested.

"Yes! Nicholex is perfect!" Bex screeched with a huge grin. I groaned and fell backwards on my bed.

"I don't like Nick!" I said looking at Bex.

"Sure, I totally believe you" she said, hiding a smile.

"I bought protein shakes for you guys!!" Zoey giggled as she brought out the three cups. Bex and I looked at each other, then at Zoey. "What? I'm now a vegetarian" She smiled as she gave the two of us one, each.

" thanks, they're gross" Bex gagged as she pushed them back to Zoey. Zoey shrugged and took a gulp of it, cringing a little then plastering a smile on her face.

"Delicious..." She muttered with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes and I laughed as I pushed my own towards her too. She sighed and returned them in her bag.

"We should go to a carnival sometime" Bex suddenly said. I went still at the word carnival. I hate clowns and rollercoasters.

"We? You better be speaking french" I said as I looked at Bex.

"We should!" Zoey agreed laid beside me.

"Alex....stop being boring! You need to get over your fears of clowns and rollercoasters" Bex rolled her eyes at me.

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