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Alexandrea's P.O.V

After the continuous teasing about his choice of boxers, I decided to stop so we both fell into a comfortable silence and continued staring at the waves. I preferred him like this, when he is not being rude or a dick. I smiled as I remembered when my grandma and I used to come here. She would sit beside me and I would rest my head on her shoulder while her arm wrapped around me. I never told her what her son usually does to me but she notices my scars and I tell her that they are due to my clumsiness. She would tell me that I shouldn't keep my emotions to myself for too long and I would just smile at her. She was never sick, she was hale and healthy but one morning she never woke up. I cried so much but I knew deep in me that no matter the number of times I cry, she is not coming back so life just goes on.

"You changed your shampoo?" He suddenly asked and I snapped my head towards him.

"What?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Did you change your shampoo? You smell like candy instead of vanilla" he stated and I hung my mouth open.

"Yeah, I did" I said and looked away from him.

"Good. I never liked vanilla anyways" he shrugged. What? Eli likes Vanilla....

"Well I like Vanilla" I muttered and there was silence not even sure if he heard me or not. I continued thinking about the fun days with my grandma and how much I miss her.

"What are you thinking about?" Nick asked with furrowed eyebrows as he stared at the continuously overlapping waves.

"My grandma" I smiled sadly and he looked at me. "I miss her so much"

"Where did she go?" He asked.

"Heaven" I muttered and he nodded.

"Oh! It's okay to let it all out you know. You shouldn't just keep all your emotions to yourself, we are all human" he said and returned his gaze back to the waves as I stared at him.

"What did you just say?" I asked, stunned that he voiced out my grandma's words.

"Huh?" He asked and looked at me.

"My grandma used to tell me that" I said in a quiet voice and stared at the wet sand.

"Well that's creepy" he said and I rolled my eyes at him playfully. Suddenly he stood up and dusted his sweats. I looked at him in confusion wondering what he was about to do.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Letting it all out" he said and looked ahead and started yelling "Fuck this world!!!"

"You're crazy" I shook my head at him and he rolled his eyes.

"C'mon just try it. It helps" he said as he pulled me up by my arm. I sighed and stood up as well dusting my sweats.

"I hate you!!!!!" He yelled again and the sound of the waves was louder than his own. I looked at him and decided to give it a try.

"This world is shit!!!!" I yelled and honestly, I did feel good.

"Yeah, you don't deserve awesome people like us!!!!" Nick yelled in agreement.

"I hate the way my life is!!!!!" I yelled.

" I hate the choices I have to make!!!!" He yelled as he cleched his fists.

"I hate the way I get judgmental looks because of my scars!!!!" I yelled as tears begin to gather at the corner of my eyes. We we're both carried away with our thoughts that we just let out the overwhelming emotions.

"I hate you dad!!!!" I whimpered."I hate you so fucking much!!!!"

" I hate you mom!!!! I hate you dad!!!" He yelled getting angrier by the second. "Why did you have to leave us??!!!"

Apricity✓|Editing Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora