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Alexandrea's P.O.V

It has been three days since I saw Nick. And anytime I ask his friends, they just tell me that he has been busy. But that answer did not fill my curiosity, I don't remember Nick ever having a job, so what is he busy with? Is what he's busy with associated with what happened with Danny some days ago?.

I passed Zoey a smile as I saw her sitting in the park. She looked better. At least better thank two days ago, when she missed school. I couldn't forget Eddy's reaction after he saw Zoey. He gave her a hug and lifted her up in the air then kissed her forehead before he realized that we were all there watching them. They both turned red in embarrassment and I saw Nick raise an inquisitive eyebrow at them, then.

Yeah, it's been two days since the weird incident that made Zoey miss school. Things have been pretty normal since then, I guess. Zoey waved at me and I joined her on the bench. Couples, friends, dogs and children were busy on their own.

"What are you doing here?" Zoey beamed. I smiled back at her.

"Just felt like going for a walk. It's been a while since I came to this park" I said, glancing at the children playing soccer. They should probably be four to five year olds.

"Yeah, me too. A lot has been going on lately. But I'm happy we a got through it" She smiled appreciatively at me. I smiled back and hummed in response. Today is Friday and I just got back from school. I brought out my phone from my pocket and checked the time, 5:51pm. Almost time for me to sleep. I already changed my sleeping routine. I sleep by 7:00pm to 10:30pm. Anything farther than that, might bring back my nightmares which I haven't had in a really long time now. It's hard and I even sleep off in class sometimes, I even have permanent bags now but there's nothing I can do. I'd rather do theses things than to have the nightmares.

"Are you okay?" Zoey asked, bringing me back from my thoughts. I diverted my gaze to hers.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired" I said and she looked worried but nodded. I was grateful for that, because I was not ready to tell anyone anything.

"Okay" she sighed and played with a pink band on her wrist absentmindedly. I narrowed my eyes at it before a teasing smile slowly crept on my face.

"Zoey...." I called and she looked at me.


"How come you didn't tell me about the band on your wrist?" I squealed. She looked shocked before looking at her wrist. Then she blushed.

"Oh. Eddy gave it to me in school today" she said as her face started to turn crimson.

"Eddy gave it to you huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her as she smacked my arm lightly.

"Stop! It was just a friendly gesture" she defended.

" was. And the kiss too was a friendly gesture right? Don't worry, I totally get it" I rolled my eyes, letting sarcasm lace my tone. Is she really this oblivious? Oh God....

"Alex!" She hissed and rolled her eyes at me while her face continued to redden.

"Jeez, are the two of you blind or something? If he doesn't ask you out soon, Bex and I will take matters into our hands" I said, looking at her. She looks like a tomato now with how red her face was. She turned to glare at me.

"Whatever. Just don't do anything stupid" she muttered and I smacked her arm. I checked my phone again 6:09pm. I stood and dusted off the imaginary dirt in my jeans.

"Well, I've got to go now" I said and she smiled, nodding.

"Oh, okay. See ya" she said and I smiled back before making my way home. I didn't bring my car. I wanted to take a break from vehicles and enjoy nature for a while. As I continued walking, I realized that the sky was getting darker. Shit! I think it's about to rain. Why didn't I bring my car?! Argh! My conscience answered.

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