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Alexandrea's P.O.V

"Ohemmgeeeeee!!!!! I'm happy for you, I mean I expected you to end up with Nick but I'm okay with Eli too. is it a problem?" Her deafening screaming made me put a little distance between my phone and I.

"I don't know....I'm not even sure if I actually like him and even if I do, he doesn't like me back. At least not that way" I said frowning. I stood up and undressed while putting my phone on speaker.

"Of course he does! You are amazing so why won't he?" She said and I can picture her rolling her eyes at me.

"If you were a guy, would you want to date a blue eyed weirdo with scars and night...." I said almost blurting out that I have nightmares. "Night time sleeping" I lied. I pray she buys that even if it doesn't make sense. I want to tell her, I really do but I'm afraid of being judged. I know she is not the judge-ey type but people change so I'll tell her soon.

"I have no idea what that means but if I was a guy, I wouldn't judge a girl by her physical beauty. I would judge her according to the her behavior and that's what matters. So don't doubt yourself okay?" She scolded and I sighed. I picked up the grey sweater given to me by grandma and put it on. It's a little above my knee but I'm going to sleep anyway so it's okay.

"Okay, so what will I do now?" I asked her as I snuggled up in bed.

"What do you mean by what will you do? Tell him, duh" she yelled and I rolled my eyes, pulling the duvet up to my chin.

"I can't, at least not now" I pouted and I heard a sigh through the phone.

"Okay, since you are not sure of your feelings, tell him when it suits you" she said and I smiled as I thought of how lucky I was to have a best friend like her.

"Thanks Bex" I said " hey! That rhymes!" I realized and I could picture her shaking her head at me.

"Really Alex?" She said out of disbelief and I rolled my eyes.

"So, Luke....." I trailed off. She is probably blushing by now.

"Shut up!" She hissed through the phone and I laughed. Yep! I was right, she is blushing.

"So you guys are a thing now?" I asked.

"I don't know...." She trailed off making ng me raise an eyebrow.

"Don't you like him?" I asked.

"I do.. I think so but I feel like he doesn't want to be with me and I don't like being too attached in a relationship so I won't have my heart broken" she said truthfully and I sigh. She is right though.

"It doesn't seem like he doesn't like you to me because I'm pretty sure I walked in on you guys making out at the hospital" I teased.

"Alex! We weren't making out! It was just a short kiss" she said.

"Mhmm, I believe you" I said sarcastically.

"But if you think he likes me then let's wait and see what happens then" she said with a little tiredness in her voice making me glance at the bedside clock.


"I guess you're already tired, so goodnight" I said and she mumbled something that sounded like 'sleep tight' before hanging up.

I closed my eyes and groaned in frustration when I realized that I won't be able to get any sleep any more. I should have slept in the afternoon, I thought as I tossed and turned around in bed. It's not that I can't sleep, I can but it's been a week since I last had a nightmare and I'm afraid if I sleep they will come back so I decided to go downstairs for a late dinner.

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