Chapter 12 ~ "It's only fair"

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I haven't slept right since I left Sasha's the other night. I can't believe her brother knows, I'm as good as dead. In a few minutes he'll be coming through that door and I'll be history.

We'd been texting a lot, she assured me Alex would keep it to himself and I sighed with relief. Now we'd added a third witness to our ever-growing list. It was going to matter if Nik, or Sabrina or worst of all, Sasha's dad found out. I'd have to be careful from here on out.

I lace up my skates getting ready to practice with the hockey team when her brothers walk in. Nik doesn't seem any different, he doesn't even look in my direction. Maybe Alex had really kept it to himself. Then I look at Alex and see an angry glare on his face. Oh no.

The players start to file out of the room getting ready for a practice tonight. When I leave Alex drags me around the corner and I hold my breath.

"I'm doing you a huge favour right now, alright Carter?" He asks and I nod. "In return I'd like a few things. Number one, do not hurt my sister. Sasha is incredibly lonely and I don't need you hurting her because you're being inconsiderate. Number two, don't go to her practices anymore. Dad's going to be there from now on so save yourself the trouble. Number three, do not make a move on my sister. I know how close you two are, but she's....fragile. She can't take on a relationship with everything going on at home or she'll break." He says and continue to nod knowing he could beat me into a pulp.

"Do we understand each other?" He asks and I nod swallowing harshly.

"You have my word, I promise Alex." I say and he lets go of my jersey.

"Good, hurt her and I'll hurt you." He says and I gulp. He walks away and I feel like I can breathe again. 

I shake it off as best as I can and take my spot on the rink. I start my drills and see Sabrina sitting in the stands with a few other girlfriends. I cringe and look away before she calls out to me.

She almost found out the other day, I had my phone in my pocket at dinner the other night and it vibrated every so often. 

"Who keeps texting you?" She asked with this disgusted look on her face.

"Oh, my mom. She's having some issues with the plumbing upstairs and she's updating me. Dad's out of town." I said and she narrowed her eyes.

"It's been happening all week." She said and I looked up to her parents sitting on the other side of the table giving me a weird look.

"Yeah we've been having plumbing issues all week." I said with a small laugh trying to ease her stress.


"Sabrina enough." Her mother hissed. "You're being very impolite, speak about it afterwards please."

It was Sasha just giving me a small update after her practice on Sunday. She knew I was busy and would answer later. Sabrina however wouldn't let me free to do so, she interrogated me all night telling me all these stupid things that I only half paid attention to.

"I can tell you just don't like me the same way anymore." She said shrugging her shoulders. "Why don't we have sex anymore?"

That was the thing I'd regretted most about dating Sabrina. I thought originally I'd wait to lose it with someone I really did care about. Not to distract myself and not with a girl who only wanted to sleep with me so she could move our relationship along more seriously. I knew Sabrina had slept with people before me, so it felt strange.

"Because I've got a lot on my mind." Was what I told her. The real reason was because I didn't want to keep making that mistake anymore.

"So why don't you let me help you relax?" She asked and I pushed her off. 

Ice QueenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora