Chapter 40 ~ "Try it"

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"Where's the fire Carter?" I hear Malcolm say as I start pulling on my clothes rapidly. 

I was desperate to get out of this rink as fast as possible knowing Sasha was waiting for me to come see her tonight. I was like a madman getting dressed and packing up my gear.

"I-i just have to-"

"Go see Sasha?" Adrian teases and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe." I tell them, pulling my shirt over my head.

"So you're the real deal now then huh?" Malcolm asks and I nod, blowing out a breath.

"Yeah we are." I say with a smile and they both elbow and tease me.

"So big plans tonight with the ice queen?" Adrian asks in a teasing voice.

"Not really we're just going to stay in, talk." I say, pulling on my shoes.

"Oh, talk." He says putting air quotes around it and I shove him.

"Yes talk." I say, starting to feel defensive. "I miss her."

"You just saw her today." Malcolm reminds me and I nod. "You're so in love with her it's disgusting." 

"I can't believe you dumped the richest chick in school for the hot outcast." Adrian says. "It's a nice little coming-of-age story isn't it?"

"Yes, it's all very Disney Channel." I mumble, only half paying attention while I pack up my gear. 

I can see Jake giving me the stink-eye from the other side of the change room but I just ignore it. That was really the one thing that I was having the hardest time with, not that I broke up with Sabrina, not that she cheated on me, but that she cheated on me with him. Jake was my best friend for years, we did a lot of stuff together and he was the one I was most pissed about.

He'd even taken her side now, he wouldn't even speak to me unless it was to heckle me. He did wrong by me and still insisted on sticking with Sabrina. I did have it on good authority though that as much as him and Sabrina were parading around together, they weren't in a relationship. Sabrina wouldn't have it apparently, she was too heartbroken.

I felt good about a lot of things when it came to me and Sasha, but one of the biggest was that I was proud to say she was my girlfriend. I didn't feel trapped or like I was doing something I didn't want to do, I felt happy to be with her.

"I'm heading out, see you around." I say and they both wave and mumble something along the lines of a goodbye. Someone yells something along the lines of me 'enjoying myself tonight' and her brothers' heads whip around, shooting daggers at me.

"I'm down the hall Carter, you'd better keep it in your pants." Nik threatens and I nod walking out of the change room, practically seeing my life flash before my eyes.

I walk through the lobby, past a scantily-dressed Sabrina. I wasn't sure why she was dressing like this now, it was bordering on trashy and reeked of desperation. I didn't bat an eyelash and left the rink, walking to my car.

The whole ride to Sasha's I felt like I had tunnel vision. I had one place to be and one place to go, Sasha.

It almost feels wrong to walk up to her doorstep now, like I'm doing something illegal. I hold my breath and ring the doorbell, seeing it open just a few seconds later. Sasha's mother opens it with a smile and I feel myself relax.

"Hi Nate." She says opening the door fully so I can step in.

"Hi Miss Petrov." I say and she nods closing the door.

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