Chapter 35 ~ "Don't cry"

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☆ This chapter is dedicated to @fandom_fangirl_ness who left such a wonderful comment on my most recent update, vacation wifi is still a bit touch and go, but I'm doing my best to update. Thank you for reading  and I'm sorry for the delay in updating :)) ☆ 


I wake up with a ridiculous smile plastered across my face. I kept remembering last night and feeling embarrassed and happy all at the same time.

Of course the moment was more than bittersweet, I wouldn't get to wake up like this with Nate anymore. He wouldn't be a few steps away when I wanted to see him, but I knew his feelings for me didn't change.

I also knew going home presented its own set of challenges. I wouldn't be a part of the all-American family dream immediately, but at least I had my mom on my side looking to fix things with me. 

The other bonus with this is of course the fact that I can really be with Nate now. Nothing's going to hold me back anymore, I feel confident for the first time in ages and I didn't want anything to change that.

I feel Nate stir and I sigh knowing we'd have to face the music now, that this was the last morning we'd make our lunch together in the kitchen.

"Hey beautiful." He mumbles, cracking his eyes open and I smile.

"Hi." I whisper back, pressing my face into his chest.

"What are you still doing here? Usually you're long gone to the washroom by now." He asks and I sigh.

"I didn't want to get out of bed." I whisper, feeling tears spring into the back of my eyes.

"It's nice to wake up next to you." He says quietly kissing my forehead and I nod.

We were both dancing around the situation. I didn't want to think about the fact that when I came home tonight I'd be packing up my things and we wouldn't be able to spend almost every second together anymore.

"Are you alright?" He asks and I nod. He sighs running his fingers through my hair and I kiss his chest. "Don't worry about me Sash, I'll still be around I promise. I'll even come make sure you're alright tonight."

I smile feeling comforted by his words and reach up to run my fingers through his hair.

"Thank you." I whisper and he furrows his eyebrows. "You don't know what you've done for me Nathan." He smiles and leans down to kiss the top of my head. "You took me in and you....fixed me. I was so mean and miserable, closed off, and I was really hostile towards you when you were just trying to help me."

"I know you were hurting." He whispers back. "Sasha, you were worth it. I wanted you in my life again."

I always feel like I'll never be able to show Nate how much he really means to me. Nobody in this universe cares for me the way he does. He needs to know I care about him too.

"You mean everything to me." I whisper and he smiles. "I trust you with everything I have, I love you with all of my heart." 

Then he does something that really surprises me, I watch a tear roll over his cheek. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to cry." I say reaching up to wipe away his tear and he shakes his head.

"'s just.....Sasha that's everything I feel for you. Sometimes I'm scared still don't want me." He says and I shake my head feeling my own tears start to fall. I don't want him to feel like that.

"Of course I do." I say quietly, moving into his lap. "Nathan I would fall apart without you."

"I know that." He says holding my face in his hands. "It's just so nice to hear."

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