Prologue/Chapter 1

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New Story! I don't know if it's headed anywhere yet, but we'll see.



Remember that dream, or maybe I should say nightmare, where you're always running from something? You're always in a dark place, whether it's an alley or a forest at night. It's always the same thing. Something that has to do with past actions that's chasing you. I've never had that dream. I'm Clarity Ordain and the only reason I haven't had it is because it's my life.

Chapter 1

I'm running South right now, towards the IceRose pack. See, I've just come from the WaveShell pack and I can check them off my list now. My goal is to hit up all the packs in North America. That way, I can become a national threat. I'm surprised this is still going on actually. It's been like what? Three years now? That seems about right.

How about I explain myself now? I'm a werewolf and I'm what they call a rouge. Except, I am the youngest and first female rouge in history. Power is also in my favor. Especially my intelligence, considering I've been able to survive on my own for four years. Right now, I'm sixteen, so that means I was twelve when I ran away from home, and thirteen when I started attacking packs.

Don't view me badly, though. All I'm trying to do is reach a goal and make a statement. It's not like a massacre or anything, either. The routine's the same as always, too.

What I do is as follows. Once I reach a packs territory, I stay on the edge of it. You see, wolves are territorial animals. If a rouge is on your territory, the alpha would want it off. At first, they always try to resolve it peacefully. Some bribe me, and then some threaten me. Usually, I take the bribe and leave for a day, but I always come back.

That's when they get sick of my games. The alphas always send two or three wolves to "eliminate" me. Cocky, arrogant packs send just ordinary werewolves. It's only the cautious ones that send their best fighters. It's always the same outcome and I do the same thing every time.

When they come to attack me, I kill the first one to lunge at me, and then I run.

Never do I run because I'm afraid that I will get killed. No, I know that if I really wanted to, I could kill all of them, no sweat, but that wasn't the plan. I was after something specific and until I saw it happen, the killings would continue.

It didn't always be this way. I mean, I ran away on my own. Most people would have a sad story of why they ran away. Either they were abused, someone died, or their families simply just didn't care. Not me, though.

My life was perfect. I had friends and a family that loved me. I was popular in school, with my friends, and in my pack. Dad was the alpha and I was his first born daughter. Everything I could ever want, I got. In that life, I was content.

But I was rebellious. Dad had given me rules to follow and I noted them. Though that didn't mean I followed them. I was always getting into trouble, and my parents were so mad. They tried to punish me, but I've never really like to be detained.

You see, I was smart and had a different way of thinking. No one could ever figure out what my next move was. There was also a knack that I had for making things turn out on my favor. My knowledge helped me with this knack.

For I knew about everything that was going on around me. Mom always joked that I was born thirty years older than how old I was. Thirty years worth of knowledge could be added to my present age, and I would still be smarter than that.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not conceited. It's just true. Is there any other female werewolf that ran away at age twelve? One that, at age thirteen, was able to take down strong male werewolves and kill them? One that, at age sixteen, was on her way to becoming a national threat to the werewolf world? And once I was done with that, I would go universal.

I might die doing what I wanted, but I didn't care. The hope that someone will realize what I'm trying to do, keeps me fighting. They should tell others and hopefully resolve the problem. Again, I'm not a bad person. I'm just after something important.

So, again the reason I left wasn't a good one. Basically, I left because I was bored. My life was perfect, but I just didn't want it anymore. There was something more important to me. More important than my friends, finding my mate, and living a perfect life.

Some packs refer to me as an assassin. Killing people for reasons unknown to them. Let me say this. They are all idiots. My killings are not random. If they just opened their eyes, they would see my pattern and what I want.

For centuries, males have controlled packs and reigned dominance over females. That needs to change. Females are just as strong as males. I proved that point. Yet, some males were still cocky, I hate that. Most, if not all, males were stupid if not figuring out what I wanted.

Mates. That's another thing that I don't like. The males have mates and are referred to as the "protectors" or the "strength of the pack." Yeah, that's all bullshit. I don't have a mate. I've never met mine and I don't want to. It's just another thing that gives males power in this society. That's why I killed. To give the alphas a chance to change their ways.

Too bad my little stunt wasn't going to go without a consequence. Some packs had hunters after me now. They were all male werewolves. What a shock. Seriously, did these guys ever learn. I didn't mind. It gave me skills practice.

Werewolf hunters were really strong and smart male werewolves. They were excellent trackers, too. Always, chasing me, and when they got the chance, they would attack. But guess who won. Yeah, that's right. Me. Every time. How fun, right?

It's the chase that is everyone's nightmare, but my life.

They chased me through the darkest places and until the ends of Earth. If they didn't attack me for a week they've been on my tail, I go after them. Really, it's just a nuisance. But it's where my nightmare is.

Even though I'm one of the strongest werewolves, I still get nightmares and they scare me. They give me visions of this one werewolf. He's the one I won't be able kill. They one who will bring my downfall. And he's out there. Waiting for me.


Yeah, a little dark. Kind of reminds me of that new show Nikita, but now exactly the same. Tell me if you like it.


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