Chapter 17 - Ethan

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I'm on my way home. Madeline refused my offer to drive her back to her apartment. She's actually in no condition to drive. But I can't say no to her. She was so vulnerable. It's like if you took the wrong move, she would break down. So I let her go home by herself, but I asked Jack to follow her, secretly.

Here I am, alone, driving my Bentley to my house, while my mind keeps showing me Madeline's upset face. I swear I would kill Hudson if he was in front of me right now.

My phone rings from bluetooth. I press the green button. "Yes, Jack?"

"Your girl arrived safely at her place," he says without preamble.

"Great. Stay there Jack."

He's silent for a while, but eventually he says okay and we end the phone.

I call Grandma. I'm planning to take her to dinner outside today. But I don't think I can go have fun with my Grandma while Madeline alone in her place, and most likely crying.

"Ethan," comes my Grandma's soft voice.

"Grandma.. where are you?"

"Home, getting ready for our date," she says happily.

"I'm sorry Grandma, can we change the time for our dinner?" I ask her.

"Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Can you call Madeline? Invite her over?" I ask her. My Grandma knows I'm going to tell Madeline about the video.

"She saw the video?"

"Yeah," I say. Madeline's cry is still ringing in my head. She didn't cry like a movie star. Her cry was so raw. That was an ugly cry. But my heart broke when I saw her face. I couldn't do anything to stop her cry, and I hated myself for that.

"Oh my God. Sure. I will call her now! Where are you? Where is she?" I sense the panic in Grandma's voice.

"I'm on my way home. Arrive in 10 mins. She just arrived at her apartment. I asked Jack to follow her, because she was wrecked when she left the office. And he is still there right now. So if Madeline agreed to come over, Jack could drive the car for her."

"Okay. I'll call her now." Grandma hangs up the phone without waiting for my answer. I can feel she loves Madeline so much, and somehow it warms my heart.

Next, I call Consuela, my chef. I ask her to defrost the salmon. I can't stop her cry but at least I hope I can put a smile on her face, even for an hour or two, even though it's not me who makes her happy.


I know Helen Hall is good at persuading people. I stay behind the door to the dining table. Listening to my grandma and Madeline chat happily. I can see Madeline smiling at my Grandma. Finally, you can smile again. I don't want to leave from there, but I need to. I don't think Madeline will appreciate it if I stalked her like this. So I go to my room and eat my meal.

Consuela set the dining table for 2. I know Madeline is not comfortable with me. Not to mention after that disaster video. That's why I stayed away from her. At least for tonight, even though I wish I was there to comfort her. As long as she can smile again, everything is worthy.

I finish my dinner and go to my office so I can't stalk on Madeline. I always have work to check, to review. I'm in the middle of reviewing some deals, and someone knocks. Actually, that's not a real knock. It's a voice.

"Knock, knock," Madeline says, peeking into my office with her smiley face. And it's fucking enchanting. She's wearing a simple jeans and a white shirt. With big gold hoops earring. Her strawberry blond hair flowing down behind her. Gone the professional air she has at the office. This Madeline looks carefree and young. With just a lip gloss on her lips. Her face is free from the makeup. God, she is like an angel.

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