Chapter 33 - Ethan

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The situation is too chaotic. The paparazzi went crazy when they saw me there. They started questioning me about this. I need to do the damage control right now. If I refuse to give any statement, the news will go ugly.

I hold my hand to stop the paparazzi. "I don't know where did you get this crazy idea, but there is nothing wrong in Hall. We are all here for business. As you might know that Hall Industries just bought Ie Chateau Dubois. We're planning to film our latest high budget film there."

My attempt to stir the conversation failed. The question is getting crazier.

"Is Ben Sanders trying to sabotage your position?"

"What will Helen Hall think after this sabotage?"

"Will you send Ben Sanders to jail for corruption?"

"Is Ben Sanders trying to take over the trust fund Daisy Hall left for Christian Hall?"

Before I can respond to them, the next thing happens so fast. Madeline runs to me, hugs me, while spinning me around. Ben hits her in the head with the vase. Madeline looks at me, her aquamarine eyes getting blurry, and she falls to me. I hold her body with one hand, another hand holds her head, and I feel the warm liquid coming out. I take my hand shakily. Blood, a lot of blood. Everything else blurs.


I hate the smell of hospitals. The last time I was in the hospital, the doctor told me they were very sorry they couldn't save my father's life. And now Madeline is inside. What will the doctor say to me? Will they apologize because they failed to save her life? Will I lose her before I can make her mine? This is my fault! Everyone died because of me. Dad died because he wanted to visit me for my birthday and mom died from her depression because she couldn't give me a complete family. They died because of me. Grandpa, if he didn't need to teach me to take the rope of Hall Industries, he could travel and enjoy his last time of life with Grandma. The stress impacted his already poor health condition. That's because he loved me and wanted me to succeed. Now, Madeline. She saved me from Ben. What if...

"Stop." Jack put his hand on my shoulder. I look up at him. He eyes me warily. "It's not your fault, Ethan. And don't kill her, she is stronger than you think." Jack gestures toward the bench. "Sit down."

I walk there with him and sit down. "Where's Ben?" I ask Jack.

"He is in the police station. We already arranged the Interpol to bring him back to America. Pete already conducted the conference press. He said that the last thing he knows is that you and Ben had an argument over a decision. He left the story cliffhanger for you and Helen to finish. And the gossip column questioning who is the woman that saved Ethan Hall's life." Jack updates me with all the news without expression, like he just read a weather forecast for me.

I exhale and caress my jaw. "Why'd he lost control like that?"

"Well, based on his words. He thought you told the truth to the press. He said he misheard the paparazzi's voice as yours, heard someone said that Ben was trying to sabotage you. You want to know my opinion?"

I stare at him.

"That's a fucking bullshit. He just hates you so much." Yeah, maybe. But he miscalculated one thing. If things went crazy, I have no choice but to tell the press the truth.

"I'm going to the police. You can handle this?" He asks me and I nod. Jack stands up and pats my shoulder. "This is not your fault, Ethan. Don't let your toxic mind mess up with you." I swallow. He knows exactly what's on my mind.

"Mr. Hall," the doctor emerges from the doors.

I jump and run to the doctor. Jack is following behind me.

"How is she?"

"She's fine. We didn't need to stitch her. Apparently, the wound isn't too wide so we can use a glue to close the wound," the doctor says in a heavy accent.

Relief feels in my heart, my body slack. "Thank God! Can I see her now?"

"Yes, we are moving her to the room. You are asking for a private room, yes?" I nod. "They're sending her to room 501. She can go home tomorrow after we make sure she's fine. Actually, she can go home today. But it's already night. So it's better for her to take a rest and let us know if she feels any anxiety or vomit." I nod like a good student.

"Ah, Mr. Hall. May I know your relationship with Ms. Parker?" The doctor asks me and I just stare at him.

"I mean, if the two of you are related intimately or not. Because, normally after an accident, people get anxious. It's good to lose some relaxing hormone. Since her wound isn't that big, she can still have sex. But don't be too rough on her. We prescribe her with the pain killer as well. She will be sleepy and dizzy. So be nice," the doctor nods at me and leaves.

What the hell? Did he just suggest for me to have sex with Madeline?

I glance at Jack. Jack just looks back at me and shrugs.


I open the door slowly to Madeline's room. She is still sleeping with an IV attached in her hand. There is a bandage around her head.

I come closer to her and hold her hand slowly. Her eyes open slowly. "Hey" she whispers.

"Hey, did I wake you up?" I whisper back.

"Not really. I'm just dozed off here and there. How are you?" She touches my cheek. Her touch is so soft.

I chuckle weakly. "You are the one who is laying on the hospital bed, Madeline."

She looks at me for a while. "I'm fine, Ethan. The doctor told me it's not a big wound, anyway. And thank God I have thick hair. They had to cut my hair around the wound. But it's in the middle, so I think I'm good." She grins.

My heart hurts, looking at her grin. I love her grin too much. I can't... "Promise me you won't do that again. I almost got a heart attack when I saw the blood." I clench her hand, my voice heavy.

"I came back from my lunch with Ella. There were a lot of paparazzi outside the building. Once we got into the building, we saw you were talking with the paparazzi. Pete was walking Ben to the back door. But suddenly Ben pushed Pete and took the vase. I saw rage in his eyes towards you. I just didn't want him to hurt you, Ethan," she tells me. Her aquamarine eyes are looking at me with the emotion I can't describe.

I'm not worthy, Madeline. First, they used you as a bait for me. Now you've got hurt because of me.

"Sleep, Madeline," I avoid the conversation and kiss her forehead. "They gave you a

"What did you call me just now?" She asks me. A frowning forming in her beautiful face.

"Sleep! You barely can open your eyes." I order her because I don't want to answer the question. I stand up. "I'll sleep on the couch. Call me if you need anything."

She holds my hand. "Sleep with me. I feel safe when you hug me," she whispers.

I stare at her. She adds, "Please?" Her aquamarine eyes pleading to me. She knows I can't say no to her. I come to her, carefully climb on the bed. Half laying next to her. She smiles and nuzzles to my chest. "Thank you, Ethan," she whispers slowly and the sleep claims her.

I should have known from the beginning that I shouldn't do this. Dad died because of me, Mom died because of me. Madeline almost died because of me. No. I can't... I won't let that happen again.

"I'm sorry, Sweetness," I whisper to her and kiss her head.

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