Chapter 18

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As we drive, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach as I anticipate what might happen tonight when we get to our destination. It seems like we've only been driving for a few minutes when Dex stops the car, but maybe I've been lost in my own thoughts making the drive seem shorter. As I glance out the window, I realize it was a short ride and we're not back at my apartment, we're at a house I don't recognize. He must see the confusion on my face because he explains, "This is my place. I thought maybe we could hang out here, since the other guys are all at the party. We'll have the place to ourselves, at least for a few hours."

It's dark when we walk inside, but Dex flips a light switch on the wall, lighting up the room. I look around and it's surprisingly clean, since a number of guys live here. The living room appears to be set up for entertainment with two large couches and a couple big chairs all directed towards a large TV sitting in the corner. I can see the cords and wires to a few different gaming systems they have hooked up.

"What do you think?" he asks.

"It's nice," I say giving a simple reply, to which he cocks his eyebrow. "It's just that I'm a little surprised at how clean it is. How many guys live here?" I ask.

"Four of us live here. It's me, Logan, Chris and Patrick." he says as he walks towards the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. "You want anything to drink?"

"I'm good, but I could use the bathroom." I say.

"Down the hall, first door on the left. Hopefully it's not too messy, that's mainly Pat's bathroom, the rest of us use the one upstairs." He laughs.

I close the bathroom door behind me and take a deep cleansing breath, trying to calm my nerves. After a few minutes, I exit and find Dex relaxing on one of the couches. I take a seat beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder. Almost as if he's been waiting for this moment, he instantly reaches over and lifts my chin, bending his own head down to meet my lips. I carefully move my body and climb into his lap. Our kiss is soft and slow and I bring my hands up to his face. It quickly becomes needy as my hands travel further up into his hair and his arms wrap around my back, holding me closer to him. I've decided that tonight I'm going to let go a little and stop overthinking everything. I'm young and I deserve to feel something good and explore something and someone that could make me happy.

I pull off my flannel shirt, already feeling the warmth between our bodies. His hands move up my sides, pushing up my tank top just enough to expose my lace covered bra.

"Fuck, you are sexy. I thought seeing you in that little bikini was hot, but this is unbelievable," his voice is deep and full of want. My skin heats even more, flushing light pink at his words. My breathing has started to quicken and I'm aching for him to touch me. He lightly cups my chest over the bra, before noticing the small silver clasp in the front. He looks up at me, "Can I?" He doesn't have to finish asking because I'm already nodding my head. His fingers quickly unhook the clasp and he pushes the fabric to the sides. His eyes are wider than I've ever seen them as he takes in the vision of my bare breasts before him. His touch is gentle on my skin and I let my head fall back slightly as I lean into his hands. I can feel a dampness growing between my thighs as I begin to move against his lap.

His mouth finds mine again quickly and my body is ignited. He begins to move his mouth from mine, trailing small kisses down my neck and collar bone until he reaches my chest. He goes from one side to the other, as my back instinctively arches bringing me forward to meet his mouth. He pulls back and my body is instantly cold at the lack of contact, but then I realize why he stopped. Someone is home already. I hear footsteps on the steps outside and voices laughing.

I quickly reach down, hooking my bra back together before pulling my tank back down to cover myself. My clothes are back in place, but I'm still straddling his lap when Chris and Avery walk through the door. I am beyond embarrassed and I want to crawl directly into the couch cushions to hide. I slide from his lap, sitting beside him again and he places a small kiss on my cheek.

"You two having fun?" Chris laughs obviously amused by the situation, especially since he probably had a few drinks at the party. Avery seems surprised, almost shocked.

She utters a quick, "Hey Dex...hey Mia," then she sits down and pulls out her phone.

Dex stands from the couch reaching his hand out to me, which I take instantly and he lifts me from my seat. He pulls me towards the stairs and I know we're escaping to his bedroom. There will be no going back once we're in the solitude of his bedroom, but I know without a doubt I want to be there with him tonight.

When we reach the top of the stairs, I see four doors. He points to the first door on the right, "That's another bathroom," then he leads me to another door. "This is my room," he says opening the door for me. I walk through and look around as he closes the door behind us. It's not a huge room, but it's decent sized. His bed is centered on the far wall, opposite the door. It's covered in a puffy navy blue comforter that looks really soft. The wall beside the door contains a small dresser holding a TV, and there's a small desk and chair along one of the side walls.

He pulls his phone from his pocket and sets it on the desk as I place my purse and flannel shirt in the chair. I feel his body behind me immediately and I feel his warm breath on my neck as he leans closer to my ear, "Can we pick up where we left off before we were so rudely interrupted?" he asks, chuckling softly.

I turn and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. I break our connection and step back, pulling my tank over my head. His eyes go wide as I make my next move, starting to unbutton my jeans. It is this exact moment that his phone starts going off and we both glance down, seeing the name Rachel highlighted across the screen. I instantly stop what I'm doing and feel my body tense up. He sits on the edge of the bed, reaching for my hands. I let him pull me closer so I'm between his knees. His hand reaches up to touch my cheek, "Don't worry. I'm here with you because I want to be with you." However simple they might be, his words calm me and I let myself melt into his arms.

He lifts me up onto the bed, setting me down on the fluffy comforter before standing himself back up to remove his own shirt and pants. My mouth is practically watering as I watch his fingers undo the buttons of the shirt, exposing his beautiful muscular body. Underneath it all he has on a simple pair of black boxer briefs which leave little to the imagination. He joins me on the bed, sliding my jeans down my legs then tossing them aside to the floor. He hovers over me and I reach my fingers up running them along his chest, letting out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. His mouth finds mine quickly and my body is once again buzzing. His hand touches the front of my panties and I can hear his breathing change, knowing he can feel the wetness through the cloth, as he whispers, "Holy shit." He pulls back to look at me and says, "Mia, you have to tell me how far you want this to go tonight. I want you, like all of you, but I can wait if this is going too fast. We can back off a little."

I look back into his deep brown eyes. I want him too but I can't find the right words. "I'm not sure how far I want to go tonight, but I do know I want you to touch me," my voice comes out practically begging him.

He kisses me again without hesitation, as he carefully slides my panties to the side. His fingers slide over my wetness causing me to gasp at his touch. I can already feel the pressure building inside me as he uses his other hand to unclasp my bra again. His mouth returns to my breasts as he continues to move his hand against me. My back arches almost in reflex as my body craves more of him. He slowly slides a finger inside of me and I hear a sharp intake of his breath as my body grips him. He begins to move slowly but quickly finds a rhythm moving and sliding his fingers over me and into me, "You feel fucking amazing," he growls.

I want to touch him too, carefully reaching me hand to touch the front of his boxer briefs. I can feel his hardness instantly though the cloth as I grip him. My hand begins to move over him slightly and I can hear his breathing change once more. I'm trying to concentrate on touching him, but I'm beginning to lose control as my body begins to shudder under his touch. I have been touched before, but Dex is the first to make my body react this way. Mini waves continue to pulse through me but I keep my grip steady on him. He roars loudly beside me and the fabric is instantly wet under my hand. We lay together, wrapped around each other for a while, before I finally start to wiggle.

"I'm sorry, I really need the bathroom," I squeak. I slip my jeans and tank back on and head towards the upstairs bathroom. After relieving myself in the facilities, I go back to his room and see he's changed into a clean pair of boxer briefs.

"Will you stay here tonight?" he asks. I nod yes and slip my jeans back off climbing back into his bed, pulling the comforter up over myself. He carefully slides in beside me and I rest my head against his chest, closing my eyes with contentment.

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