Chapter 33

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My head is throbbing and my eyes don't want to open. I can tell that it's late just by the way the sunlight is streaming in my window. It's bright, too bright after my night of drinking way too many margaritas and then crying myself to sleep. I'm sure I'm completely dehydrated despite drinking a full glass of water before going to bed. I roll over slightly and reach over to my side table to grab my phone. As I finally lift my eyelids, I notice that Kat is no longer in the bed beside me, and I have a new text from Dex *I'm here and ready whenever you want to talk.

I leave my room, heading immediately for the bathroom in search of more Tylenol. I hear Kat and Kristin in the kitchen, "she lives" one of them calls as I walk down the hallway.

"Ugh...I feel awful. How many margaritas did you let me drink last night?" I ask grabbing a mug to make myself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I felt like shit too when I woke up. Coffee and a hot shower helped," Kristin says.

Kat chimes in, "You two are such light weights. Last night was nothing," she smiles and laughs which only causes my head to rattle painfully. "By the way, your man is totally hot. You were a little out of it last night, so I didn't get the chance to tell you that I approve, based on looks alone of course," she says with a wicked grin.

The memories of my stupid drunkenness last night flood into my mind. I'm so embarrassed by how I acted. I'll have to talk to Dex today. I guess we both have things to apologize for now. I decide to respond to his text and ask if we can talk later. *Just woke up and feel like shit after last night. Can we talk later after I've showered?

His response is a little surprising, *At weight training now anyway, then headed to the ice. I'm good if you want to wait and talk after your sister leaves. Let me know.

I understand him wanting to give me time to spend with Kat, but it seems like a complete turnaround from him showing up here last night. Does this mean he changed his mind about us? What if I acted so stupidly that he's done? I look at Kristin and Kat and it must be written all over my face. "What's wrong?" Kristin asks.

"He wants to wait to talk now. He wants to wait until after Kat leaves. What does that mean?" I wonder, hoping they can offer some insight.

Kristin speaks, "When Dex left here last night, Luke went after him because he was worried about his brother. I think Luke suggested giving you a little time to spend with Kat so that you could both cool off a little and then work everything out after she leaves. He loves you Mia. I've never seen him act this way before. He's not giving up; he's just trying to give you some space and time with your sister."

I let myself relax in the shower as I try to wash away the worry. Kristen tried to reassure me that everything would be okay, but I can't seem to stop my mind from going to the worst-case scenarios. I should have just talked to him before I started drinking last night. Why did I let myself go so overboard? I hear a light knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, can I come in for a minute?" I hear Kat ask through the door.

"Yeah. Sure," I say through the curtain. She enters and I hear the door close behind her.

"I know you Mia, and I know you're in there reliving and torturing yourself over everything that happened last night. You're overthinking and doubting yourself, but I think Kristin is right. I know I haven't officially met him, but the way he looked at you last night, that was not a man who was giving up. He was here because he wanted to talk to you and make it right. He was definitely a man in love. I think you should hear him out and give him a chance, even if I'm still here. Don't wait. You both seem to be miserable without each other," Kat's words hit me and I know she's right. I want to see him. I miss him.

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