Chapter 23

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It's been a few weeks since classes started and my time with Dex has been limited. Between school and practice he hasn't had a lot of free time, but we try to see each other whenever we get the chance. We've managed to get lunch together a few times on campus and we've spent a couple night together. Even though it's been somewhat sporadic, my time with him has been amazing and each time I'm with him I'm left craving more. We've only known each other for about a month, but I can already feel myself falling for him.

With the guys being somewhat absent lately, Kristin and I have been able to spend a lot more of our time together. I can tell that she's missing her extra time with Luke too. I'm extremely thankful that we have each other to lean on and keep company. We both have class today, but we've planned a shopping trip to occupy some of our afternoon. Fall has decided to officially arrive in Boston, and I'm in need of a few warmer items. We're planning to meet at the food hall and leave from there.

It's Wednesday and the only class I have today is my nutrition class, so I have a couple hours to waste before meeting Kristin. I decide to park myself at the library to focus on a few homework assignments. I'm flipping through the pages of my text book, but can't seem to focus. My mind keeps wandering back to Dex. Visions of him flash through my mind, him shirtless, his kisses, his dark brown eyes, his hands running over my skin, wrapping my legs around him. cheeks are hot and I grab my small notebook to fan myself. I pick up my phone and send him a quick, simple text *I miss you! 😘

I really don't expect a response because I know he's in class, but I can't help but check my phone anyway, feeling slightly disappointed. I somehow manage to focus on my assignments for a little while and actually get most of the work finished before packing up and making my way towards the food hall. I go inside and order myself a hot caramel latte, then I find a seat at a small square table with four red metal chairs while I wait for Kristin to arrive.

Kristin comes bouncing through the door and Courtney is with her. I give them a smile and a little wave as they make their way over to the counter to order their coffees. A few minutes later they're walking towards me, each with a paper cup in hand.

"Court's going to come shopping with us!" Kristin says excitedly.

I return her happy grin, "Great!" I haven't seen Courtney for a while, so it will be nice to catch up with her on the shopping trip. I take the opportunity to ask about Cami. I heard that she and Logan had made up, but I haven't seen her during any of my visit's to Dex's.

"You probably won't see her much now that classes have started back up," Kristin says. I look between her and Courtney with questioning eyes, maybe Cami and Logan didn't patch things up.

Courtney seems to see my confusion, "Cami's in the nursing program, so her days are full of classes and clinicals. Then she spends most of her nights studying. She's a hard worker. I'm actually wondering if she'll even make it to any of the games when the season starts. They didn't start dating until after the season had ended last year, so they've never been through a hockey season together. It adds a whole different element to a relationship." That does seem to explain why their relationship seemed a little strained.

We sit together and sip our coffees for a few minutes when I notice Avery walking towards us. She and I have actually spent a little time together recently and Kristin was right about her being sweet, but I'm still not ready to let me guard down with her yet.

"Hey girls! What're you all up to?" Avery asks.

"Hi Avery," we all say in unison.

"We're heading to the mall for some shopping," Kristin tells her. I told Kristin about the drunk texting incident with Avery and Rachel, so Kristin is being a little chilly towards her. I know that Avery and Rachel are friends, but I have to be able to be friendly with her since our guys live together.

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