Chapter 34

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Ava pov

I was in my office when Susan briskly walked in. This was my first time seeing her today as I came into work earlier than she did as per usual.

I was currently organizing my desk and this week, timetable since it was Monday morning. I tried looking through the notes that were left behind from the temporary assistant, but it was no help whatsoever.

'Ava, I'm so happy to see you back at work. I'm glad you are well enough to be back' Susan exclaimed once she saw me at my desk.

'Thank you, Susan. I'm so happy to be back If I am being truly honest I missed work and being in the office'

'I'm sure you did. The office was not the same without you'

I smiled not having any other thing to say to her.

'Since you are alright now, I was hoping to have a little get together. Nothing big, just a night out for drinks or dinner'

She continued 'you have been curious to know who I'm seeing so I finally feel comfortable enough to share and also he really wants to meet you as I have done nothing but sing your praises'

'Oh, that's lovely. I want to meet him; you seem to be happy lately' I noted

'He makes me extremely happy and since you are my friend, I want to finally have a double date. You can invite Damien, or will it be Aiden?' She asked causing me to be a little taken a back.

'It depends who has the time' I spoke dismissing the change of tone in her voice.

'Well, if you know who you will take let me know' she smiled showing all her teeth

' I was thinking it would be great if we had dinner and a few drinks. I've talked to the guy I'm with and he only has time this evening. The rest of the week he is extremely busy' she further explains.

'Alright, I should be able to make it for this evening then. I wouldn't miss it'

'I'm so glad. Hopefully who ever you're bringing can make it to. It would be so fun' she exclaimed enthusiastically but it came out forced.

'I will be taking my leave now, so happy to see you back at the office' she said once again while making her way towards the door.

She opened the door but suddenly freezes 'Ava I am not sure if you are aware but there are pictures of you and Aiden all over the magazines and media'

'Wait what? what do you mean by that?' Confusion was the only explanation to express how I was feeling right now.

'Someone has been following you and Aiden around for months capturing moments of you and him' she exclaimed but surprisingly in a calm manner

'Why would pictures of myself and Aiden be the topic of discussion for these blogs? I'm just his pa'

'Ava, I don't know why. I was shocked to see your pictures all over the tabloids last week'

'Where is the magazine, I want to see them' I almost screamed while speaking those words.

Susan quickly walked out of my office and within seconds was back in with several magazines in her hand.

'Here they are, those are the ones I've seen not sure if there are more magazines or not' she explained while dropping them in front of me on my desk.

In all the magazines Aiden and I were on the front cover. I frantically picked one up and looked through it.

They were saying all types of outrageous stuff about Aiden and I but mostly about me. It is as if they were trying to tarnish my name when they truly don't know who I am.

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