Chapter 43

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Ava Pov
I stared at Aiden whilst his head laid on my lap. I began to remember everything he revealed me on the information he had discovered.

I still can't believe Susan, Maxwell and Miranda are involved in all that has been happening to me.

It's baffling to think all this had occurred because I was offered the job as Aiden's personal assistant.

Speaking of Aiden, he has been hesitant to leave me on my own in fear that something could happen to me.

I personally think I am safe in my apartment, but he refuses to accept it. To him I always need security especially when he isn't around.

This meant Aiden would be staying at my place more than usual.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Aiden moved from one sleeping position to another. Hearing him mutter I glanced down at him to see he was still asleep.

Listening carefully at his words I heard 'Ava, I care for you. More than you would ever know'

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. I knew he cared about me, but I didn't know it was at this extent.

I've always thought Aiden was good-looking from the very first time I laid my eyes on him, but I've never imagined myself in a relationship with him, however.

I viewed him as my boss than a potential mate.

'Knock, knock'

The sudden knock on the door caused Aiden to jerk up in an alarmed manner. He examined me as if I was in some type of danger.

'It's just a knock on the door. I'll go see who is it' I spoke attempting to raise from the couch with him laying on it.

'Let me go instead' Aiden protested trying to get up from his position.

'No Aiden, I will see who it is from the keyhole before I open the door' I exclaimed indignantly as he was being overly protective.

Not feeling obligated to listen to any more of his protests I shuffled to the door.

I peered through the keyhole only to see it was Damien on the other side of the door.

Immediately I unlocked the door to let him in.

Before I could speak Aiden interrupted unbeknownst to me that he stood behind me 'Damien what are you doing here'

I turned my around to see Aiden standing right behind me. Seeing how he gave Damien a stern look I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to Damien.

'Come in' I announced moving away from the door to allow him to enter.

'Thank you' he replied whilst walking into the cosy apartment.

I closed the door after him and ensuring it was locked. When I turned around, I saw both Aiden and Damien staring at each other as if silently having a starting contest.

I cleared my throat causing the both men to look curiously in my diection.

Damien noticing my curiosity in why he had suddenly arrived, spoke 'Ava, I came here to check up on you. The last time I was here you weren't doing well, and I was also wondering if you have gotten better'

'I see you have forgiven Aiden' he continued.

'We were able to talk things through' I replied not knowing what else to say.

'Would you like anything?' I asked Damien attempting to change the subject.

'Water would be just fine' upon hearing his response I rushed to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

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