Chapter 38

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Boom. Boom. Boom.

Sera's ears were filled with a thudding sound, the loud beats awaking her with a soft gasping. Was she back in that arena?

There was definitely some trauma of drumbeats gained after the duel. The rhythmic beating made her heart leap to her throat.

Sera lifts her head, and the thudding fades. It was only a bad dream.

But why did her body feel so comfortable. The morning air was still cool, but the lumpy heater under her body made her body feel nice and toasty.

Also, she could feel something inside of her. Something that got bigger and burning hotter inside of her with each movement she made.

As she patted the lumpy warm mattress that she laid on, eyes still blurry with sleep and blinking the drowsiness away from her eyes, her body tensed as she realized where she was, and what exactly was making its presence known inside of her.

That thudding sound was Lucien's heartbeat, beating strong, pulsing beats to her ear.

Lucien and Sera were both naked, Sera sprawled on top of Lucien, head on his chest.

Oh God. Hopefully she didn't drool on him.

Lucien groaned underneath her.

He'd been awake since her first movements waking up, enjoying the weight of her lying on her chest. Unwilling to withdraw from her, Lucien had been connected with Sera as she fell asleep from exhaustion. Their lovemaking had lasted until the faint morning sunlight began to glimmer into the room.

While Sera was still asleep, Lucien stared at the gilded gold ceiling, one arm behind his head, thinking long and hard about how to keep Sera from saying that this was another mistake.

There was one thing his experiences in battle told him. A good defense is a good offense.

Anything was better than hearing Sera call the beauty they created together another mistake.

He put his plan into motion.

Before Sera could get any words out...

He rolled Sera under him, flipped her over like she was as light as a feather, and took her from behind.

All with one arm. This man was a beast.

Sera bites the silk sheets, her body getting hotter with each stroke. Lucien peppers kisses down her spine, all the way to her buttocks, which he squeezes,
enjoying her tender skin molding itself to his hand.

Lucien was at his limit. He tests the waters, moving his hips back and forth. Light, circling strokes. Hard, bone-rattling pounding. It made Sera's body shake like a leaf, her body dripping wet and vision blurring.

Rearing back into his movements which pushes her body deeper into the bed, Sera takes in his desire for her. They don't speak at all. Extreme ecstasy washig over them. Sera, head thrown back, meeting his every thrust, and Lucien, his muscled body enveloping hers, lightly biting at her arched throat.

His hands squeezed under her hips and up, massaging her soft breasts and flicking the tips.

Sera let him do what he wanted.

To Love, Once AgainΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα