Chapter 93

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Loud running footsteps, boots pounding into the cobblestone path as the sounds draw nearer make both Sera and Lucy pause.

Sera was still on the ground, the adrenaline leaving her body after knocking the shears out of Lucy's hand leaving her drained. The blood from where the maid had accidentally cut herself smeared droplets on Sera's chest and cheek, the stain spreading even further when Sera had tried to rub it off previously.

"Your Majesty!!"


Tilting her head up from the ground, Sera cranes her neck in the direction of the noise, confused. That sounded like Lucien. Why was he here all of a sudden? Did someone already tell him about her fall?

But the time that passed from her fall till now was too short for a knight to run from here all the way back to the castle and fetch Lucien.


A figure bursts out of the bushes, taking the shortest route towards where Sera was.

The shortest route, without taking obstacles into account.

There was a white dividing gate between the castle and the clearing Sera and Lucy were currently in as well as a pole to tether animals to.

Both were completely broken into two. Suddenly, and with no mercy, like a tornado that appeared from nowhere.

With the ferocious momentum at which the person continued forward, it was only when they drew closer that Sera finally realized it was Lucien.

Trying to sit up as he sprints towards them, she pushes back on her elbow, falling backwards when the grass under her arm pricks into her arm a little too sharply.


Before she knows it, Lucien swoops in and lifts Lucy up by the throat, shaking her like a dog would a bone.

"No! LUCIEN!!!"


Moments after Sera's fall..

Lucien takes a running leap over a fence, then another, using a nearby rake to catapult himself over an especially tall hedge and land in an easy crouch, then smoothly transition to a sprint.

Sera was alive, that was all he knew. The only thing the ring could tell him. If she was near death, he wouldn't know. So Lucien ran, ignoring the flowers that were trampled into the dirt as he destroyed the flowerbeds heading straight for her location.

Flowers were replaceable. Sera was not. No thing, no one could replace her,

Eyes taking in the scene, Lucien feels his sight turn red.

The obstacles blocking his way disappear, revealing a peaceful clearing with some bushes off to the side. There, in a smaller circle of grass, was his lady. Trying to sit up from the ground droplets of blood scattered on her body. Another maid standing over her, looking upset.

Sera was hurt!

Guilt, anger, fear, worry, they all rear their ugly heads and intertwine into a hideous chimera of negative emotion.

How dare this- this thing! Do this to her!!! Right when he'd finally gotten her back!!!

He could see himself reaching for a hidden dagger and burying it in the foolish thing's chest. No, that was too easy. Anyone who hurt Sera would have to pay the price.

Other methods to kill it flash through his mind. Twist the neck.

The smell of blood was growing thicker in the air.

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