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Elle McBriar
May 5th, 1 year and 162 days since the first zombie report

As soon as we started driving I took in my surroundings, we were still driving down the windy road that led to our house. 

I played with the point of the hair clip in between my fingers.

I had two plans. One, I stab Mason and run out of the car. Or two, I stab Mason, run out of the car, attack the drivers and then drive back to Alex.

I couldn't decide.

"You know Elle, for someone who's been through hell and back, I thought you'd be a tiny bit smarter." Mason said, "Who are you and what do you want with me?" I hissed.

"I already told you. I'm Tracy's son. And my Mom died, trying to get you pansies to safety." I rolled my eyes, "That's not my fault. Your Mom was a horrible person, but she did a good thing saving us. I'll always be grateful to her." I mumbled.

"Good, then maybe you can pay your respects in person." He had a sinister laugh and it sent shivers down my spine. I hope that's just some metaphor and not a play on words I'm too stupid to understand.

"Oh and Elle?" Mason said. I turned my head to look at him but just as I did, a sharp needle went into my thigh, "Really dick? Tranquilizer? Wow, so unusual." I smirked, feeling drowsy. "This time I pray I don't wake up." I said, not realising the responisbility of my actions.

When I did wake up again, it was dark. Really dark. 

I tried to feel around me but I could only move my limbs an inch. Before I finally realised what had happened it dawned on me. Mason's words replayed in my mind, 'maybe you can pay your respects in person'.

Holy fuck. I'm in a grave.

"HELP. SOMEBODY HELP ME, PLEASE." I started screaming for my life, praying that anyone could hear me. It's a waste land Elle, there's no one for miles. I don't even know where we are. We could be in Canada for all I know.

I tried pushing on the box, using all my strength. It started to bend a little bit and I felt a tiny bit of hope. It must be flimsy wood. 

"Shut up back there." I heard someone say. "Hello? What the hell are you doing to me?" 

I heard that sinister cackle again, "Welcome back Elle, I hope you can swim." 

I heard a lock click and I pushed with all of my strength and it broke. I sat up, gasping for air as the anxiety crept over me. I can't breathe.

What is happening?

I felt around my body for anything that hurt but I couldn't feel anything.

As I turned around, I came face to face with Mason who was polishing his brass knuckles. My eyes widened. I know he can see me. Out of the corner of his eye, he was staring at me. 

I started to make a run for it, hearing his goons chase after me.

I passed the water and realised we were by the wharf. That means we're close to my house!

"God Boss, she's fast." I ran in a straight line, not knowing where I'm going. At least we're still in Washington, I know that much!

I turned a corner but stopped as I was cornered. I turned around again, seeing four new people, "Shit." I whispered, gasping for air. I clasped my hands over my chest as my throat constricted, I can't breathe. 

The fact that I might actually die this time is overwhelming!

I heard someone clear their throat behind me and as I turned around all I saw was Mason's fist coming towards me. It connected with my face and I swear I heard something crack.

I screamed in pain, tasting blood in my mouth and running down my nose. I was picked up and tossed to the side, skidding across the road as the gravel burned my skin. It engraved me. Marking me permanently.

I coughed up blood, wiping my face as I rolled onto my stomach, pushing myself up.

"I guess Elaine was right, you are a fighter." Mason smirked. At the sound of Elaine's name I perked up, "Elaine? W-where is she? Did you h-hurt her?" I screamed, spitting blood on his shoes. He glared at me and put his hand around my throat, "She's alive and well. Thanks to you, I can save everyone. My girlfriend, my friends. All I need is you, your blood and then you to be dead."

As he squeezed tighter around my throat, my hands grew weaker as I lost feeling in my body, "You're a coward." I whispered, praying for air.

He dropped me as I fell, my head hitting the ground, well, that's going to hurt. 

My body ached and screamed at me to get up, but I lay there.

"If you wanted me dead, you would've just killed me already. So what do you really want with me?" I hissed.

Mason bent over me, "I want you die a slow and painful death just like Sophia did, just like my Mom. I want you to feel everything they did." 

"You're just as bad as them you know, your Mom would be ashamed of you." I managed to say. That earned me a blow to my stomach. I felt everything coming up my windpipe as I choked on my own blood.

Before I could say anything, Mason picked me up as I flopped in his arms. He dragged me back to where I could faintly see the outline of a car. I watched as the men started to retreat. They were no longer surrounding us.

As Mason opened the drivers side door, he leaned me against the car so I didn't fall. While doing that, he made the mistake of fiddling with his keys. I smirked to myself as I mustered up all the strength I had and shoved him.

He fell forward, landing on his ass as he got back up and pulled a gun from his pocket. I can't say I'm surprised. I kind of giggled. The trigger cocked, "Oh you're serious? Okay, shoot me." 

Before he could pull the trigger, I did exactly what Paxton and Gage taught me to do, knock the gun out of the opponents hands. I used my fist to bump the gun from the underside of his hands. It fell into my hands as I spun it round and aimed it at him.

"What? You don't have another gun? Rookie mistake." I smirked. He swallowed his pride but kept his composure, "You're not going to kill me, Elle." He smirked, "Why's that?" I said calmly.

"Because I know where Elaine is." He said. If I'm honest, that did peak my interest, "Tempting, but I am very capable of finding her myself. You see, everyone seems to hate me. If I make myself available to the public, I'll have no trouble finding her." 

I bared my teeth as he walked backwards. Slowly but surely, plan was walking. I felt stinging pains all over my body as my skin was grazed, brusied and bloodied, but I kept the pain as a way of telling myself I'm strong.

We're inches away from the water.

"You're making a mistake, Elle. You're not as brave as you think you are. And you and I both know, that if you kill me, it'll haunt you just like Sophia's death does. You're the coward here."

I flinched at the harsh reality of his words, but nonetheless put my finger on the trigger, "Say hi to your Mom for me." 

His life flashed before his eyes as I pulled the trigger and aimed it right at his chest. 

To say I don't feel bad is an understatement. I've begun to stop feeling things anymore. I watched at his limp body slowly fell into the water.

His back hit the water and made a painful noise as he slowly sunk. The water around him was starting to turn red as I pocketed the gun and looked left and right before limping over to the car. 

But I should've known that as soon as I opened the drivers door, the sound of a grenade clicking, didn't sound right to me.

* * * 


don't be too mad okay, she'll be fine :)


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