thirty six

935 50 8

Elle McBriar,
May 19th, 1 year and 176 days since the first zombie report

The next day, my body ached from all the moving and lifting and ughhh everything hurt!

My mind was on high alert today though as I was kept up all night with that stolid buzzing noise.

And apparently, I wasn't the only one who was annoyed by it.

I trudged into my kitchen this morning and saw Paxton practically half asleep at the kitchen table.

"Morning idiot." I smiled, closing my eyes as a yawn came over me, "I am not in the mood for anything today. I just want to sleep." He said.

"Someone's cranky." I mumbled, "And you're not?"

I ignored him and sat on the chair opposite him, drinking my coffee as he stared into oblivion.

"What do you think that noise is anyway? It's obviously at a frequency where humans can hear so it has to be something close by."

"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head. He shrugged, "Usually a sound like that wouldn't be low enough for a person to hear, it's like those whistles that only dogs can hear."

I raise my eyebrows, "So, were dogs?" I perched on my knee, awaiting his answer, "That's not what I meant honey- I'm just saying, it's either a machine or something." He frowned.

I poured my half-drank cold coffee down the sink and headed into the bedroom to change. Opening the curtains and welcoming the sun, I pulled the long sleeve grey shirt against my body as well as my shorts.

"We going to get stuff today?" Paxton asked, dipping his head inside the door. I nodded, "Give me 10 minutes."

"Alex and I are going out to get paint, will you be okay here?" I nodded. He winked goodbye and I was left alone.

It's kind of weird being alone in a house when I'm so used to there being noise. I still wait to hear a bump in the night or the laughter of Riley.

But it's quiet. Honestly, sometimes I think I'm too quiet, and then I realise I'm being paranoid.

I went downstairs to gather the cars to the key Paxton and I recently 'stole' and headed into the kitchen.

A note taped to the fridge caught my eye. It was written in red handwriting.

I'm watching you...

My blood ran cold and I suddenly was well aware of my surroundings. Surely, Paxton wouldn't have put that right?

He knows I'm easily scared. 

I gripped my keys between my fingers before running out of the house, starting the engine and reversing backwards, silently thanking myself that I stored weapons in here the night before.

I stopped next door to say good morning before I was officially on my way to get absolutely nothing.

* * *

To say my day was uneventful was an understatement.

I spent the day looking at ugly couches and pillows and bed sheets. I probably looked at over 1000 things and only took 4.

The walk to the car was simple, seeing as I no longer have to remember where I parked.

But what scared me was the empty spray paint bottle littered near the car. I stopped in my step and looked around, noticing nothing out of the ordinary.

I went for my gun only to realise it's not there, "What the hell?" I mumbled.

I reached for my radio that wasn't there either and began freaking out. I wasn't too far from home but I didn't want to risk walking there.

Quickly checking the backseat, trunk, including under the car and the tires, I wiped away and bead of sweat and climbed in, starting the engine rather too quickly and speeding down the road.

When I got back, thankfully Paxton and Alex were on the roof, flicking paint at each other.

"Hey, you're back!" Alex said, waving at me. I sent him a short wave and quickly went inside, placing the items on the bench before glancing around.

Nothing was out of place, touched or moved. It was almost too perfect.

The more from the fridge was gone, but the piece of tape remained. I wonder if it was ripped off in a hurry or if someone got to it first, aka Pax or Alex.

There was a small chill in the air, like a door had been left open. But ignoring that feeling, I trudged upstairs and started fitting the sheet onto the bed, matching the pillows.

"Elle!" I heard my name being called from outside so I ran out there, squinting up at the roof due to the sun being in my eyes.

"What?" I yell back, "Come up here?"

I climbed the ladder and made it safely to the roof, "What is it?" I wiped the dirt from my knees and onto Paxtons shirt, "Where do you think we should put the pool? There-" He pointed to the back heard, "Or there." Or the area beside the house, where the small garden was.

I shrugged, "I don't care. Someone sunny." That's all I care about! Sun!

"Hey, how was shopping?" He asked, "The usual. Boring. Oh, but I do need you to hang up a picture I bought."

He quirked his eyebrows, "Did you buy a shitty Walmart canvas?" He snorted, "No you dingus, it's a poster of Elvis Presley."

I headed back into the house to continue my fussing about.

But as the day grew darker, and colder, I couldn't shake the bad feeling off my body. I kept glancing over my shoulder, hesitating before I walked into a room.

I flinched when a hand was on my shoulder, "Why are you so jumpy?" Paxton smiled down at me, "I don't know. I have a bad feeling."

He frowned and put down the car magazine he was reading, "What do you mean? What kind of feeling?"

I shrugged, "Like something bad is about to happen." I shivered, feeling a cold chill go down my spine.

"You know, rumour is, that every time you get a chill, it means someone's walking over your grave."

I slapped him hard in the chest, "Don't tell me shit like that. I'm already paranoid. I don't need to be thinking about that supernatural stuff."

He chuckled and hunkered down into the bed, "You realise this car magazine is like a year old right?" I smirked.

"First of all, there will never be a new magazine out. And secondly, you don't get to judge me. I don't exactly like having Elvis Presley over here watching us sleep."

He rolled over in the bed so his back was to me. I smiled over at the Elvis poster hanging on the wall beside our bed and turned off my lamp, subsiding into sleep.

* * *


i know this chapter is kinda boring but trust me when i tell you, this is just the beginning :)

happy reading lovelies

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