fourty four

858 47 3

Elle McBriar,

Time had passed, and I mean lots of time. 

I'm hungry and thirsty and everything hurts. But I can tell it's getting late, because there are a lot less footsteps going up and down the hall.

I had managed to spend the day drawing, sleeping and screaming at the stupid guards. 

"Lights out." Someone called from the outside. I waited for the 'tink' of the electricity going off before I made my move. 

Feeling my way around, I got up off the wall and picked up the whiteboard pen I had stashed in my pocket. I knew the whiteboard was close by, it was only a matter of finding it. 

Once my toe kicked in and I angrily yelled at the whiteboard for being in my way, I tried a best I could to write on it. 

Once I felt satisfied with the words, see you later fuckers, I confidently plucked the tiny screwdriver and felt the sharp tip with my thumb. 

I held my hands out, and once the cool metal of the door touched my fingertips, I grasped the screwdriver and did my best to pick the lock. I had tried with the vent, but those bolts were so rusted, you'd need a power tool to cut through the bars.

It took my a while, a long while actually to get the door to budge, but when I heard it click, I felt tears pooling in my eyes at the outcome.

It almost felt too easy, but sometimes I have to convince myself that things can be easy.

Opening the door and limping out, I shoved my hands over my ears as the loudest alarm I had ever heard started to blare in my ears. "Shit shit SHIT!" I screamed, running down the hall. "Code red. Escape. Code red. Escape."

Stupid computer robot snitching on me. 

I hid behind in a dark hallway as three men came running down the hallway. I heard the crackle of a radio, I need to get my hands on one of those! 

Once I was sure there was no more guards or people in the hall, I peeked my head out and opened the first door I saw, running left, then right, then left. I ended up in a kitchen.

I silently cursed myself but mentally thanked myself as I saw a row of kitchen knives hanging upside down on a magnet strip above the oven. 

I grabbed the sharpest one I could and held the handle, holding it behind me. Some motherfucker is going to die today!

Tip toeing out the door, I'd gotten used to the alarm as it somehow got quieter. I need to find the guys and then get out of here. My first priority!

Checking every door I came across and coming out empty handed definitely took a toll on my abilities to find two people. I almost gave up hope until I heard grunting coming from somewhere. I heard voices and as I got closer, I could hear the voices become more clear!

Sweet baby Jesus- thank the lord. I poked my head through an open window that led to a room. Who has a window inside their house that doesn't lead to the outside? Weird.

But I was grateful for it. I saw Mason holding the chains of Alex who was now gagged and tied. Paxton wasn't far behind him.

My heart hurt for both of them. Their eyes were red and bloodshot, along with blood on their shirts. No doubt they got into a quarrel. I tried to get their attention but they weren't looking my way. I ducked every time someone looked over. 

I tried to shine the metal of the knife into the light above them but it didn't work.

"Code red. Escape. Code red. Escape. Comencing... lockdown services in T-minus 10 minutes..." That stupid voice aggrivated me to the point of wanting to rip my hair out.

Red flashing lights were crashing the place and I realised that I didn't have much time.

I stood up fully now, my whole body on display. 

Thankfully, Mason had his back to me, and so did the other guards. I tried to flail my arms to get them to look over at me, at one point I thought Alex did, but he looked away again. Shit, I need to get closer!

Steadying myself and balancing on my the balls of my feet, I crawled along the window line and ducked under the doorframe. I was so close to them, if the glass wasn't here, I could touch them.

They were on the move, all I needed to do was follow them until I had a good enough spot to attack, grab and escape!

But if lockdown is in 10 minutes, I don't have much time!

* * * 

I followed them into a room, an empty room.

Just like the one I was in, except this one had absolutely nothing. The walls, floors and ceiling were bare, apart from a vent obviously.

They were shoved in and I watched as the lock clicked. Mason and the two guards quickly hurried off and I took this as my chance to help them. Scurrying over to the door, I plucked the tiny screwdriver out of my hands and fiddled with the lock, waiting until I heard it unlock.

I went in and closed it behind me, seeing the boys look up at me. Their eyes widened. 

"It's okay, we're gonna get out of here!" I said, they nodded their heads. Starting with Paxton, I took out his gag and he immediately asked me if I was okay. I untied his ropes- thankfully his chains were replaced with ropes!

He freed his hands, flexed them, and then helped me with Alex's.

When we were done, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him, ferociously kissing me and I felt myself moan. No Elle, I can't be turned on right now!

"Uh guys- we need to move, now!" 

"Yeah r-right." 

I started on the door but suddenly it was thrown open, a clattering sound was heard before there was a small hissing sound. I gasped lightly at the cylinder object on the ground that was now spilling air.

"GET DOWN IT'S A SMOKE BOMB." Alex yelled. I ducked, getting onto my knees. I started to cough, as did the guys, "W-we need to- the v-vent." Paxton said, tears pooling in his eyes.

I fished the screwdriver from my pocket and attempted to turn it. I gave up and kicked it. Alex picked up the knife and started to twist the bolts, his muscles flexing.

His arms shook as the last bolt came free and the vent fell to the ground.

"Okay, one at a time. Here we go." 

* * *


i hope you had a good day!

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