thirty four

934 50 11

Elle McBriar
May 18th, 1 year and 175 days since the first zombie report

I came out of Penny's room after an hour of girl talk. 

She insisted I try on a dress she found and I did, only for her to cry and be all weird and mysterious afterwards.

I headed into my room to take the dress off when I heard that buzzing noise again!

Cupping my ears, I scrunched my eyes up to stop the noise because it was giving me a headache. 

What is that? It sounds like a computer powering down or when something overheats. Like a high-pitched squeal, in the feel of a hum. It almost feels like it's piercing my eardrums.

Once it was over, I breathed a sigh of relief and started to take the dress off.

Although I didn't get very far because someone barged into the room. I didn't bother covering up because it probably one of the girls, Alex knows to never barge into my room, same with Riley.

"Elle uh- woah, put them away!" Megan exclaimed, covering her eyes, "Please, I helped you give birth, boobs are nothing." I snorted.

She smiled, "Paxton wants you." She shrugged, I glared down at her, suspiciously, "Well he can come up here then." I shrugged, "No!" She said rather quickly, "I mean- he needs your help uh o-outside." She was avoiding my eyes, looking everywhere but my face.

"Is he breaking up with me?" She scoffed, "God no. Just- put some shoes on and go, please? He's impatient and demanding." 

I whined and slipped the dress back on, pulling some converse over my sock-clad feet, "This better be worth it. I really need to pee!" I sighed, following Megan downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I realised Megan had left and I was alone in the middle of the house, "Okay what the hell is going on?" I hissed, "You guys are acting so super weird." I waited for a reply, "I will go back to my room and stay in bed for the rest of the day unless one of you tell me what's going on?" 

No one replied to me so I rolled my eyes and opened the front door. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was beating brightly down onto the yard. The grass was a tiny bit wet from the rain we had earlier but other than that, it was beautiful.

I held the dress with my hands so it didn't get dirty while I walked along the path and watched my feet as I walked.

I didn't hear any noise aside from the whoosh of the wind.

"Paxton? Where the hell are you?" I said, currently annoyed.

I looked up and my eyes widened. 

Paxton was standing in a suit, by a tree that was decked out with Walmart fairy-lights, a picnic blanket with wine glasses, fruit and other cute date-snacks. 

He was standing with his hands folded in front of him and a stupid cheesy grin on his face. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed, walking over to him, "We're going on a date." He shrugged, taking my hand, "I realised I've never taken you on a date, so we're going to have one in the backyard." 

I giggled as he spun me around and kissed the forehead, "God I love you." 

* * * 

So for the next few hours, we lay on the picnic blanket, laughing about dumb stuff, reminiscing and talking.

It was getting to that time in the evening when the sun isn't setting but it isn't full either. It was hot and beautiful and igniting everything.

"No I had seafood. I really do. Clams, oysters, shrimp." Paxton shivered, making me laugh. We were laying next to each other, arms and hands touching as we watched the clouds. My cheeks hurt from smiling but I just couldn't help it.

My ears started ringing again as the low buzz emitted through the air, "I hate that." I whined, covering my ears. Pax held my head and distracted me, even though it affected all of us.

"Is that why everyone was acting so weird? And why Penny told me to put on a dress? Because of this date?" He nodded and I bit my lip, "You're so cute."

"I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised?" I nodded, "Very. I just wish we had a camera or something to document this day." 

Suddenly, Paxton stood up and held out his hand for me to take, I took his hand and he helped me up, brushing the grass off my ass and smirking, "And here I thought we were having a romantic evening." 

"Where are we going now?" I ask, "For a walk." He seemed to get a little agitated so I stayed quiet, "Are you having fun?" He asked after a little moment of silence, "I am." He nodded, as if saying 'good'.

We walked out of the property and up the tiny hill to where the neighbours house is, "What are we doing here?" 

He didn't answer me and instead took me up the path and into the house, "Paxton?" 
"Close your eyes." I did what he said as he lead me somewhere. I heard a door open and jumped slightly, even though Paxton is right beside me.

"Where are you taking me?" 

"One more second, I promise."

"Okay, open your eyes." I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times to get them adjusted to the light. I gasped, my mouth flying open at the sight in front of me.

"Pax- w-what is this?" I stuttered, tears welling in my eyes. I felt my throat close as I looked around the room. Balloons, streamers, glitter and rose petals were scattered around the foyer of this house. 

"How did you do this?" I said in a small voice, overwhelmed by emotions. He was looking at me, daring me to do something, "God I love you so much." I jumped into his arms and he wound his arms around my waist.

"Elle, baby- I need to ask you something." He said.

The tips of my feet touched the ground as he placed me back down. My heart grew even wider, as did my eyes as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a box, "Stop it." I said, backing up, "Pax, y-you're not."

He knelt on his knee and opened the box, "Elle, you are quite literally, the love of my life. I hold so much love for you that sometimes I don't know what to do with it. You stumbled into my life at the worst possible time and somehow made it better." 

I was full on crying now, ugly tears streaming down my face, "Now, I know it's a little inappropriate given the timing and all but Elle- would you do me the great pleasure, of becoming my wife?"

I was blubbering, choking and stumbling on words, "Will you marry me?" 

* * *



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