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Your P.O.V.

As I walked down the sidewalk following the map, I thought that it would be a good idea to check the picture that my Mom gave me. I never actually saw what the person I was looking for looked like.

I put the picture infront of the map and stopped walking. Wait a minute... I squint my eyes to get a better look at his features.

He's wearing a coat and has fluffy silver hair... THIS IS THE GUY I DREW IN SCHOOL?!

I don't even know this guy! Yet somehow, I draw him in class. I shrug it off and keep walking. It must've just been a coincidence or maybe I dreamt that I drew him. I do fall asleep in class sometimes...

As I was deep in my thoughts I accidentally hit something hard and fell to the ground. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, let me help you up." It was a girl. She reached her hand out to me and I grabbed it.

I got a better look at her and I realized that she was a Tanuki beastman. "Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem."

"Michiru, hurry up or we'll be late." I saw that a guy was calling out for her. He was so far away so I couldn't really see what he looked like.

"Oh, coming Shirou! See you later!" She waved to me, catching up to the guy. Hearing them call each other by their names made me wish that my Mom told me the name of the guy that I'm looking for. That thought made me feel like I had just let something slip from right under my nose.

But, once again, I shrugged it off and kept going. No use dwelling on the past right?
"Ah, this looks exactly like the place on the map." I say to myself out loud. I knock on the door and I'm greeted by a lady who is a little bit shorter than me.
"Oh, hello. What can I do for you, young lady?"

"H-hi! My name's (Y/n) and my Mom told me that I had to look for this guy, in this building." I show her the picture. "Shirou Ogami? What do you need him for?" I start sweating. I just wanted to know where he was, I wasn't ready for an interrogation.

"Ah, you know what, don't worry about it dear. Shirou gets himself into a lot of trouble, so I'm sure your Mom needs him for something important. You don't have to tell me. It's just... the thing is..."

"Melissa, where did Michiru and Shirou go?" I heard a man's voice yell from inside. Great. He wasn't here and they didn't know where he went. Then, I got an idea.

"Did he say Michiru, ma'am?"

"Oh, yes. That's the name of Shirou's friend."

"Thank you! That's all I needed to know!" I waved to her and bounded down the sidewalk.

I turned into my (favorite dog breed) beastman form and sniffed down the sidewalk. I finally found a spot where my scent was lingering, the spot I fell at. Then, I got the faint scent of two other people. One smelled like a juice box and the other smelled similar to myself, but a little different.

I followed the scents until I got to the Mayor's office building. Did they go inside there? What in the world did they need to go to the Mayor for?

I gulped and tried to shake off my nerves. I stood up straight and tall and went inside the building... Well, not before changing back into my human form of course. I didn't want anyone to think that I was about to start any trouble.

I got to a desk and a lady was sitting there. "Please state you're name and business with the Mayor please."

"U-um... I'm not here to see the Mayor. I'm here to meet a Shirou Ogami." She takes a closer look at me and smiles.

"Oh! Right, you must be related to that girl who can't change into a beastman. Can you believe it, a girl born from a beastman who's not even a beastman! Haha, how pathetic! This new generation is so horrible that it will burn to ash and dust!" She snickered. I gritted my teeth and I tried my best not to go into my beastman form. If I did, I would've let loose and punched her in her nose. No one can talk about my family like that.

"Alright. I've think you done enough." I hear a deep voice from behind me. I turned around and saw that man in the picture, and that I drew. The real Shirou Ogami, and Michiru was right beside him. "What do you need me for?" He asked me, looking my square in my eyes.

It looked like he was checking to see if I was going to be a threat to anybody. Which I definitely wasn't. Well... maybe to that lady a few minutes ago, but she had it coming!!!

"U-uh, well you see my Mom needs you for-"

"You smell like a human." He said, interrupting me. I shivered, he looked like he was going to hurt me, and that made me a little nervous.

"C'mon, Shirou. Give her a chance, just listen to what she has to say." Michiru said trying to help me out. He sighed and put his attention back on me.

"She needs you because my sister needs to be checked. To see if she'll ever be able to change into a beastman."

"I see. You're from the (last name) family." I nod. "Well, we're already here so there's no point in you taking me back to your Mom and sister just to come back here."

"Oh, that's okay. I have my phone, I could just call her." I say, taking out my phone. Before I could even press her contact name, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped from the touch.

"No need. Your sister and I are already here."

"Mom?! How in the world did you get here?!"

"Remember, I'm the beastman of the family. My sense of smell is very strong." I chuckled. She was able to smell that I was here all the way from home, and she brought (sister's name) with her.

She's incredible. Maybe I can have powerful senses like her someday. To bad the half-human in me ruins my dog-like senses.


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