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Your P.O.V.
We finally made it to Beastman Co-op. Shirou opened the door but as soon as I got to the living room, I gasped. A familiar man that I haven't seen in so long was sitting on the couch right in front of me.

"F-father...?" I asked, walking closer to him.

He looked at me and smiled. "(Y/n)? Your so much older now. I missed you so much." He stood up and hugged me. Tears formed in my eyes as we let go of the hug. I was so glad that my Dad was alright.

"I heard that you were training to become a police officer and now that it was okay for humans to visit Anima City, I wanted to come see you, your mother, and your sister." I smiled. Then, I remembered that Shirou and Michiru were behind me.

"Oh Dad she's Michiru my new friend, and he's Shirou my..." I start to trail off as I think of what to say about Shirou. I know I'm almost 19 now but I feel like he still might be mad if I said something like future boyfriend.

"Protector. While you weren't here I tried to take care of her as best as I could." I blushed as Shirou said that. My Dad smiled and thanked Shirou for taking care of me. Soon I started yawning and remembered that I needed to get some sleep.

Shirou walked me upstairs to my room. I got under the covers and ne tucked me in, just like he said he would. He sat on the edge of my bed and looked towards me. "(Y/n). You need to be more careful. You did a lot of things that made me extremely worried about you. I could've hurt, or even have killed you. But, I'm angry that I couldn't have saved you sooner. I don't know what I would do if I had lost you."

Lost me...? "So, I had this question to ask you..."

"What is it?" I responded.

"(Y/n), would you be my girlfriend? The partner that I need by my side that will keep me from being lonely."

Tears form in my eyes as I sat up and hugged him. "Y-yes. I would love to." He hugged me back and we kissed. I blush as I laid back down in my covers. He kissed my forehead and left the room.

I wasn't sure if I was going to get any sleep with what just happened but, I ended up drifting off faster than I thought.

The Next Morning...
"Ugh, morning already...?"

I sat up and threw off my covers. I went downstairs and I saw Shirou having a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Shirou." I said.

"Good morning. I tried making you something for breakfast. I don't cook that often so I hope it tastes okay. Mrs. Melissa and Michiru also told me that you would like it." I looked over to the table and I saw (favorite food). I sat down next to Shirou and started eating.

Shirou finished his coffee and looked over to me. "So, how's the food?"

"It's good! Umm... Shirou?"

"Yes, (Y/n)?"

"Do you have anything to do today? If not, do you want to go out and do something? Like a date, I guess...?" I asked him.

He smirked. "Sure, we could go out. But, did you have something in mind?"

"Not really, but what would you say about hanging out and having a pinic at Anima City park?"

"Hmm... I don't think I've ever had a pinic at the park before. So, I guess I could try it out."

"Okay." I smile. I haven't had I pinic ever since I left to come to Anima City. Now, that I know that Shirou's never done it, this was going to be fun. I went to the kitchen and found a bunch of food to pack, but then I realized I didn't have a basket.

But, Kuro came flying into the kitchen with one in his talons. I know he's Shirou's pet so he must be strong, but I didn't know he could carry that by himself. I put all of the food in the basket and found a blanket.

Later, when it was closer to lunch time we went out to the park. "So, what are we going to do when we get there?"

"Well, we're supposed to put out the blanket and sit and talk about stuff. Or... if you want... I guess we could cuddle a little bit."

He chuckles. "Sure, if it will make you happy." I blush. Soon we get to the park and I lay down the blanket. There was a stick under the blanket so Shirou picked it up and threw it. Suddenly, I transformed into my dog beastman form and chased after it without trying to. Once I picked it up, I felt kind of embarrassed. Did Shirou just watch me do all of that?

"So you do chase after sticks?" He laughs.

"Is not funny...! I didn't try to do it on purpose. It just happened..." I said walking back towards the blanket.


I smirk. "Maybe you should try it. You're a wolf right? We're part of the same animal family." I snicker.

"Uh, no. I don't think wolves fetch sticks. Even if I was a dog I still don't think I would do it."

"Oh come on Shirou! Please, just this once?" I ask waving the stick infront of him.

"Ugh, fine." He sighs. He stands up and I throw the stick. He slowly walks over to the stick and picks it up. I see him give a small smile and he walks back. "I'm not doing this again."

"You don't have to." I laugh.

Me and Shirou eat the food and talk about different things. I got the idea to lay down and look at the clouds. Then, I noticed that one of them looked like a heart and told Shirou. He smiled and we started cuddling. In that moment, I wished that I could stay like that with Shirou forever.


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